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First week and the production value today was exceptional. The new graphics all look gorgeous, the casters all looked smart, the music was fitting, stream overall was just a treat to watch. Really enjoyed the interviews and casting, good to see everyone getting a piece of the pie and performing well. Trevor/Deficio were golden as always. Newer casters didn't feel too cringy or tryhard which was nice and professional. Amazing is always a fantastic addition to the analyst desk. The technical difficulties were solved quickly and casters dealt with it well. Really fantastic effort from the production team, making EU proud!!! Did I mention the amazing graphics?

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about 7 years ago - /u/RCrower - Direct link

Originally posted by Darkoplax

There was also a lot of faults as well .... (Champ Name , No Lee photo , Pauses , Screen going away for no reason , Sounds issues .... )

I Like the new revamped Studio and Designs but still there was a lot of mistakes all over the place ...

Hey guys, This is valid criticism. We actually have a lot of new tech at the studio (The entire core is new, not to mention all the added features, like the video walls) so there is a lot of fine tuning that we are still doing, on top of the classical "New players, new peripherals.." that go with any new season.

Overall, we are trying very hard this year to shake up the status quo on almost everything tied to the EULCS and hopefully today is just the begining of that. Glad to see that overall the reception has been positive, there is a huge team that has been working behind the scenes to make all this changes and improvements happen

Keep that feedback coming! and we will do our best to continue ironing out those small issues. Trying to speak more with actions that with words this time, so let's see if we deliver ;)

about 7 years ago - /u/RCrower - Direct link

Originally posted by Kestrel21

One small nitpick would be that on the between matches screen, when G2 win it's hard to tell that they won since their logo is grey on a gray background and the losing team gets their logo grayed out, too, so it's a bit confusing. This is just an 'at a glance' problem, for those who want to quickly tell what happened so far might get tripped up for a second or two, but nothing bigger than that.

Good job so far, though, keep it up!

Yeah, actually already made a comment on that one on another thread The team is aware of this and already have few ideas in mind to improve readability . Not sure if we can make them happen for tomorrow honestly, but it is in the to-do list!

about 7 years ago - /u/RCrower - Direct link

Originally posted by FancyCamel

I noticed that every game the rune choices of the players wouldn't show until a bit later in the game.

Is this too a bug being worked out or was that intentional?

Definitively not intentional. Right now we are having issues with runes and spectator that will be fixed for 8.2 , so in the meantime we are actually implementing it at the GXF level on top of the observers feed.

The workaround involves feeding the info directly from the API but , honestly it's not perfect, so sometimes it fails / gets behind, and then we have the team manually gathering the runes and adding them individually. So.. tldr? Far from perfect, team is fully aware. Full solution will come in 8.2 , until then we are trying the best to workaround this problems

about 7 years ago - /u/RCrower - Direct link

Originally posted by Birgerz

Colour blind peeps tho, better use blue and red

Team already did some changes for today. Hopefully it is more clear now, let us know!

about 7 years ago - /u/RCrower - Direct link

Originally posted by Tynte

Another small detail I noticed was off, is when a player has the unsealed spellbook and changes their spells, the team fight viewer will still show their old spell. This is very evident at the big tower dive in the game of MSF vs G2, CA 14:20 ingame. Had to replay that part 4 times before I realised what had happened, as Tahm seems to cleanse while he has ignite in the graphic.

But otherwise, amazing series!

Thanks! Passed this on to the team already to take a look