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I often see players buying rapid firecannon on DPS champions like jinx. I really dont get it. I understand buying it on champions like Jhin, Caitlyn etc that have hard hitting autos and usually dont auto a lot of times in a fight. But for an attack speed champion it feels inefficient. Basically with Jinx 10% of your damage gets extra range but with Jhin its 25% (Not exact numbers but whatever). I swear people are just buying it because its recommended. PD or Ruunans feel infinetly better to me. And btw im not a new player im a dia adc player but I have never understood this. Am i right or is it just a case of me having decided something is wrong because of an irrelevant factor?

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over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

It’s largely mindless. RFC is heavily over-purchased. It’s useful if getting that one auto off really matters. It can for Jinx to get the passive reset. Rocket autos are also decent splash damage since you can hit several champions for 1.1x damage. But in general, yeah, RFC is often wrong.