Taric is currently the highest winrate midlaner - It's preseason, sure, but he has a 60% winrate, which is just.... sigh. All riot needs to do is slightly buff Yi's early stats on his q, e, or maybe his ult and make it so that his ult makes it so that ally buffs, effects, or any team ability that targets him doesn't work for the duration. I've seen teams in high elo running kayle+taric just to make sure the funnel never dies. It's sad that riot just doesn't care about something that's been a problem for 3+ seasons easily. Little changes on Yi just don't work. If you want him to be a champion without funnel, make it so that his presix gank actually works and he can function as a jg with at least some counterplay. There's basically been nothing done to deter funneling during preseason and even after preseason it still has a high winrate. Please make it stop.
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