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Before we started, I just want to apologize for my terrible grammar, I'm not a native English speaker.

Why I'm wasting my time writing this sh*t.

I was an Akali main and I just fell in love with her amazing playstyle. Dancing around in the battlefield, jump from target to target, and when you're low, just Q auto and BAM back to full health. So much mobility, so much sustain and just the right amount of damage. Then the rework came and I was hype, even more ways to play around with her enemies, isn't that awesome? And then Riot decided that proplay is the only things that matter and nerf her to the ground. The result was this\1]). And now after watching some gameplay footages of Qiyana, I knew she is going to be the next victim to "Akali's treatment"

Then what the problem?

First, we need to understand the basic nature of assassins and skirmishers\2]):

Assassins Skirmishers
Pros High reward, high mobility, high burst, can easily escapes Best duelists in game, high damage, have both DPS and burst damage\3]), high mobility, conditional defenses
Cons High risk, virtually no CC, low utility, low toughness\4]) Not very tanky\4]), low utility, heavy skill dependent
Basic Trait Gap-closer and escape through mid range dash/blink. HEAVY BURST DAMAGE. Almost alway have invis or stealth Reposition through short range but low CD dash, sustain with self heal/shield, powerful conditional defenses for example: Fiora's W
Playstyle Get into the backline, kill ADC/mid/squishy target. Jump out of danger Dance around in team fight, burst down squishy or just deal out as much DPS as possible
Enemy ADC's reaction\5]) "I'm just gonna place a ward right here-AAAAAAAAHHHH........I f*cking hate Rengar" "Can someone pls kill that Jax! He's almost dead. Wait WTF IS THAT HEAL??? OH GOD OH f*ck! PLS KILL HIM!.....Great, now he going to get that pentakill"

Now, let's decide where exactly does new Akali fit into this. She have mid range dash with her E and R, execute on her R2, "everyone dislike that" smokescreen. Seem fitting for and assassin right? HOWEVER her passive just scream skirmisher to me, it force you to move around your target just like Fiora's passive, not trying to stay on top your target like Zed or Talon. And combine with your smokescreen, you're literally "dancing in the shadow", the movement speed boost felt soooo good. HOWEVER her E smokescreen interaction just scream "that an assassin's escape move", throw down your smokescreen E backward, R1 auto R2 and E back to safety. HOWEVER if she retaining her Q heal, she will be...

Get what I'm trying to say yet?. Her's playstyle does not fit both of the champion's class above, too much burst and annoying uncounterable riot pls nerf for a skirmisher while having too much DPS and defensive tool for an assassin.

And riot keep thinking that she is too powerful for an assassin and needed to be nerf while in reality she is an clunky, squishy and overtuned skirmisher.

And now when I saw Qiyana with a 1 low CD short dash, a root, a cooldown reset skill, a massive teamfight changing ultimate that stun and deal %maxhealth AOE damage and even her recommended item tell the player to build Triforce and f*cking Sterak's gage\6]) while also have a stealth trail, an execute skill and Riot calling her an AD ASSASSIN, I'm just sad.

Ok then how to fix it?

With Akali:

  1. Increase her passive damage and energy gain to reward player trying to stay and fight
  2. Return her Q heal but change it so face more risk to get heal like only heal when hit champion , lower Q damage but also lower enery cost to spam it more often
  3. Lower her smokeboom duration, make it a situational defense skill rather than THIS CHAMP IS f*ckING ANNOYING
  4. Change her E some how. Make it less of a gap closing and more reposistioning. My friend have an wonderful idea of 3 Vayne's size dash that reset on champion take down similar to her old R
  5. Tell your intern to go binge watch Naruto and come up with some teamfight ultimate

With Qiyana:

  1. Stop calling her an AD assassin. And if a champion is having too much dash, is annoying to deal with, have fancy skill set, that champion is a skirmisher
  2. Make less skirmisher, I have enough with Yasuo main keep ruining my promo


Akali playstyle does not fit her identity as an assassin and Riot keep trying to force her into one by nerfing her in the wrong aspect. Same with Qiyana. Fix this by making her a proper skirmisher. Qiyana is also a bitch and stop making more skirmisher.


[1] Screenshotted from na.op.gg

[2] Classes & Subclasses Calculator from Randomonium

[3] Who said a fed Yasuo can't burst?

[4] Build depended of course, who said I can't build tank zed but that doesn't change the fact that he's an assassin

[5] Data gathered from my brother's ranked games

[6] "Recommended build doesn't mean anythings, I could just build full lethality and Qiyana can still burst squishy" Same reason with [4] who said I can't build full crit glasscanon Riven but that doesn't change the fact that she's a skirmisher

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

I don't want to get into particular examples here (Akali/Qiyana) but I think this is a pretty interesting post and I like your approach to making your argument.

Something we go back and forth on a lot in champion design is the balance between holding to conventional strengths and weaknesses versus finding creative/unique ways to differentiate new play patterns. Let me interrupt the memes here before they start: yes, adding new and unique kits to League of Legends is important, and always will be. The challenge is ensuring they have the proper constraints.

To be more topical, a Skirmisher crossing into Assassin territory on certain outputs is reasonable (we do this with FioraE [burst damage] and YasuoR [target access] for instance), and vice versa, but we've also definitely crossed into territory where we end up giving certain champions too much. One of the reasons you see this a lot in our modern fighter design is that a ton of our recent efforts are pretty aggressive champions that are meant to build squishy instead of tanky, and so the tools they need to compete tend to be extremely sharp and give them a lot of momentary agency (otherwise they explode if they make a mistake).

Anyway, like the conversation here and in the thread.