So my mom has been interested in league ever since I had gotten into it myself about a year ago. I talk to her all about it, and she asks if she can play. Of course I hand over my laptop and gladly make her an account and take her through the tutorial.
I mean, she’s 37, she’s not... the best at competitive games like this. She loves games like Skyrim and Fallout, those things. She chose MF as her champion because “she’s pretty and her guns are cool” but it’s a bit hard for her to understand the whole double bounce Q thing, and how if you move while ulting it stops going. I thought maybe Ahri would be good, she’s cute, her abilities are similar, and her ult is a dash. But... her ult is a dash. My mom plays with lock screen and I swear she loses her mouse in the minion waves.
I wanted to put her on Veigar, Teemo, or Lux, but “theyre ugly” lmfao
Suggestions? I’m a support main and I wanted to just put her on Soraka, but she said she wants to do a lot of damage. I know she probably won’t be good, but I just want her to have a champ she can at least be successful on, because she knows when she’s not doing well, but she doesn’t know how to fix it.
love you mom
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