Alright, this is gonna be used as a means of sh*tting on NA, which I'm not particularly happy with. I was just chilling with my stream and they asked me what I thought of NA. I talked about how I get frustrated when I see a lot of the basics getting skipped, even by top teams and I used the dragon as an example. I couldn't remember the game, I just remember a drake fight that I thought was weird in the C9 game and just picked that game out of my loose memory.
I love the NA broadcast and think they make a great show. I also much prefer watching NA as a fan rather than an analyst, which was the main point of me saying this. I also exaggerated for comedic effect because I was streaming. Let's please try to avoid turning this into a sh*t throwing competition. LEC teams also do dumb sh*t and I get equally as annoyed when they do it. You only have to watch the G2 v OG game where I said on broadcast G2 were trolling when they threw away that baron. This isn't some weird elitist thing and was definitely not an attack on NA.
So again, let's try not to turn this into something that it's not. Cheers.
EDIT: I should clarify that I used a bad example. I was making a point, I referenced a game without reviewing it or supplying evidence and basically said that the current undefeated C9 team lack the basics. I apologize for this. This may just dig me a deeper hole than I am already in but I'm honestly not here to unfairly antagonize NA teams.