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We are a group of silver casuals (probably would be gold if we played a bit more) enjoying an occasional LoL game night. We all have our quirks, but the one that stands out the most is our jungler's constant desire to team fight and go all in, no matter what his HP level is or where allies are. At this point I don't think there is any point in trying to change him, instead we are trying to embrace the craziness.

What jungle champions would suit this playstyle best? We are looking for someone who can win an "impossible 1v1" or survive a doomed tower dive. Someone who just won't die.

For now he mostly enjoys playing Warwick, Yi and Zac.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by fatyellowcat

Ekko. Goes in. It was at this moment, he knew he fked up. Ults back out.

Agree with this. Parallel Convergence also potentially gives Ekko players a shield and stun at best with a slow at worst. Between that and his ult an Ekko can engage, assess, then press eject if needed. Timewinder is also a great oh no they’re chasing me tool that has a pretty short cooldown and can slow folks tracking you down.