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Hey everyone! We're the NA College team, and we're here to answer your questions about the College LoL Season. We'll be answering questions between 12:00pm and 2:00pm PT, then we'll probably lurk on and off to answer late questions that come through. EDIT: We're headed back to our normal work, but we'll be keeping an eye on the thread to catch any late questions. =)

Before we begin, please set the mood by cranking the volume the appropriate mood music.

Or just listen to POP/STARS for the 2816th time this week like me

The Rioters joining us today:

  • /u/RiotTiza (me!) - League Operations Lead
  • /u/YumaRanken - Community/Program Manager
  • /u/RiotSherman - Business Development
  • Neonmancer - College Program lead (he will be lurking but doesn’t have a Reddit account)

We're super excited to share that registration for the 2019 College LoL Season is open now through November 30th! The regular season runs from January through March, and is open to players of all skill levels. You can learn more about how to get involved and what's changed from 2018 by checking out our most recent lolesports article.

Early answers to the most common questions from last year:

Q: Does this happen for other servers?
A: Each regional team makes their own choices about College, and we work independently from each other. Check out your server's version of leagueoflegends.com to see if there's a program that serves your region! In Brazil, students can register a club here.

Q: How do I register for the season?
A: Read the article we linked above ;-)

Q: What else is the College Program doing this year?
A: We don't have much to share yet, but YumaRanken just joined our squad to do all kinds of cool stuff for clubs. Club officers will be getting to know her this week, and she'll be reaching out to learn more about what you're looking for very soon. =)

Let's do this!

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over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by ekm323moy

Can clol create unique invitational/live regional matches along with esport college coordinators for more unique experiences outside of the formal rp tournament event request format. Higher prize pool, swag giveaway, tickets to NALCS spring finals?

Unfortunately, we don't have any plans to create officially sanctioned invitational or live regional matches. There are some legal implications that make this a complicated subject, and not where we think we can add the most value across the board.

We do recognize some of the short comings with the current CLoL format, and we think some of what you're looking for can be further addressed through continued conference expansion. We've already signed 2 new conferences this year, East Coast Conference and Landmark Conference, who are joining the Big Ten Network and Peach Belt Conference, and we think these partnerships will help create those local events and incentives that will help build stronger communities on campus.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by ADillonMostDirty

What are RiotSherman's hair care rituals? I need that 'do.

Step 1: Wake Up

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Thelam09

Hi! Really enjoyed watching the collegiate scene grow over the past few years.

I know traditionally the collegiate league has been separated by regions, but are there thoughts of doing a "Top 25" ranking poll kind of like college football? Or to move into other formats like a "March Madness" style tournament?

We did a Top 25 Coaches Poll in 2017, but participation from coaches was extremely low. We'd like to revisit it in the future though and have some ideas on how to do it better the next time.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Danny_H2z

Some schools have are have/are in the process of creating full stadium esports arena. Is there a possibility of including these venues in conference playoffs?

Yes! We always send links to these venues as we see them to our conference partners to make sure they know all their options when designing their season and schedule. We're unlikely to make the regional conferences playoffs into live events though.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by Caluak

Any advice on finding people to join your college team? I only know of one other person who plays league at my college but I’m almost certain there’s more

Look for a subreddit for your school and try posting there. That used to work when I was in college, and I saw my alma maters coach post there the other day.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by isaypwnsj00

what do you guys think of NACE? is it legitimate? they have called themselves official, but i know developers don't like that term when it comes to their game. UCI has not participated in non-official leagues for our varsity scholarship teams because we know about developers' sentiments towards those things. however, stuff like NACE is getting a lot of traction in the community, and is being used a "standard" when it comes to collegiate play discussion. are you guys going to release a statement on NACE and other orgs like them?

edit: should teams invest in non-official leagues (like NACE) as well as the official one (College LoL)? is there a legitimacy issue there, or should universities stick to the official one?

Let me start out by being clear that NACE doesn't and isn't allowed to run any League of Legends competitions. That goes for any companies that call themselves a governing body for college esports. As far as we're concerned, Riot is the governing body of League of Legends in college. If a school wants to win the college championship or wants all the benefits of officially sanctioning esports at their university, it's important for them to understand that becoming a NACE member is not a requirement for that, as schools like UCI and Utah have shown. I won't tell a school that they shouldn't put money towards NACE, but it's important for them to understand that it's not a barrier to entry.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by WantsToBeCanadian

Participation in the poll was low because it was extremely tedious to fill out. It required coaches to state a specific school for each numerical ranking, all the way from 1 to 25. This is slightly easier near the top (1-10), since the highest seeded schools tend to stand out from the rest, but towards the middle (rank 10 and lower) it became increasingly difficult to know which schools to put, as it is somewhat unreasonable to expect a coach in the current competitive scene to even be familiar with the rosters of 24 other schools, let alone to be able to rank them in strict order.

An easier system would be similar to how MVP voting works - give each coach a selection of three choices, #1, #2, and #3, with each selection being worth a certain number of points relative to the ranking (higher ranking = more points), and then cumulatively add up all of the points for each school listed and rank the coaches' top 25 in that fashion. You might not end up with 25 schools actually getting points (can be fixed by giving coaches the option to choose more schools beyond just the top 3), but you would have a much higher participation rate since the poll itself would be more user-friendly and could be filled out with knowledge off the top of coach's head.

Participation in the poll was low because it was extremely tedious to fill out.

Totally. To clarify, I'm not saying that it was the coaches fault, it was definitely an implementation problem. It wasn't even easy to look up stats back then for each team. We ended up deprioritizing content all together, but this is one that's high on our list to look back into for 2019.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by ambiguousorange

Hey y’all. I worked in college lol for a few years in college and absolutely loved the experience. I think y’all are doing great work and I’m grateful for the time I spent there. 1. What, if anything, is Riot Games doing to support the development of varsity esports programs? 2. What is the vision for College LoL? 3. Does Riot Games perform any eligibility checks aside from the behavioral checks in College LoL? For example, for academic eligibility? Do you think that Riot Games should or should not? 4. Are there any checks on players registering on their main account, or playing on a shared account? What are your thoughts on this from a competitive integrity standpoint. Many teams will register players on an alternate account to get a leg up over the competition in scouting, for example. 5. Who is the best DDR competitive player at Riot Games? And why is it Tiza? 6. Favorite meme from a college twitch stream?

  1. We believe the biggest value add we can make to the development of varsity is our season. We think of the season as a platform through with schools can build programs off of, with the championship being the best platform we can offer for visibility. We also offer League Unlocked, which unlocks all champions and 100+ skins to registered computers, to schools that create pc cafes or gaming centers open to all their students. We do think we can do more though, however I can't really go into details yet on some of the stuff we have in the works.
  2. We want to make League of Legends an inclusive, generational college sport. We believe the outcome of fulfilling this vision will allow gaming to be an accepted core of the college experience.

Tagging /u/RiotTiza for Question 3 & 4

  1. It's actually this guy Grant. He's so good, he once made a kid cry.

  2. I can't remember them in detail, but watching the BTN finals back in April was filled with some amazing Illinois memes.

over 6 years ago - /u/RiotSherman - Direct link

Originally posted by vangvace

Player's preferences...

Hotpocket or Pizza Rolls Monster or Mountain Dew Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese

All valuable and sponsor interesting questions

Pizza Rolls, Mountain Dew, and Cool Ranch