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I was wondering if anyone actually enjoys the new sudden death feature in swiftplay? I personally think that the nexus self destroying feels super anticlimatic as the ending of a long game. I wouldn't mind towers self destructing but the nexus should at least stay up I my opinion. Or they could do the walking nexuses thing from a previous gamemode. Anything where the players actually participate.

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about 9 hours ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

We're actually changing Sudden Death in the next patch to not burn down the Nexus, so you'll be happy to know that won't be happening again soon. You should see it in the patch notes tomorrow™

Not many games were reaching the state where the burn down of Sudden Death would be what ends the game, so we're comfortable with this trade off of sometimes having a match go a little bit longer than intended but actually having a good climactic end.