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Edit: Thanks for joining us everyone! Most of us will be heading out soon, but you may see some folks jump in to answer stray questions that come in. Hopefully we can do this again in the future! :)

Hey /r/leagueoflegends!

We are the Riot Games’ Books and Narrative team, and we’re here to answer your questions about Realms of Runeterra, books, lore, and more!

Realms of Runeterra is available now, and since we’ve seen a lot of people receive their copies over the past few days, we thought it’d be a cool idea to hop onto Reddit and answer some questions. If any questions may have come to mind while checking it out, or if you want to know more about the process to get this book made, or if you have any other random questions for us, now’s the time!

If you’re not familiar with what Realms of Runeterra is, here’s a quick description:

Unlock the mysteries and magic within League of Legends, one of the world's most popular video games, in this encyclopedic and collectible companion book that explores the game's epic lore. Embark on a journey through the realms of Runeterra in this first-ever collectible companion book, published to celebrate the game's tenth anniversary.

We will start answering questions no later than 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UCT, so leave them below and folks will jump in as they can!

Not everyone has flairs at the moment, but here are the Rioters you may see answering questions:

/u/Thermal_Kitten - Head of Narrative /u/Scathlocke - Narrative Editorial Director /u/WhiskrsActual - Sr. Narrative Editor /u/Lauramichet - Narrative Editor /u/HoneyTower - Development Manager /u/Riot_Bioluminescence - Sr. Game Designer /u/Gustfaint - Brand Manager /u/RiotAshekandi - Comms Lead

External link →

Originally posted by Kaevr

What are some characters/lore bits that you really felt that needed some thought on them?

I was very interested in mapping out Piltover and Zaun - their physical relationship fascinated me and I wanted to nail it down to something practical. I got the chance to do so, and I was so engaged by the problem that afterwards I did a design presentation on the approach I took. Pretty nerdy, but I love worldbuilding challenges and that was absolutely up my alley.

Originally posted by Oshipee

Surface area. I just assumed there were more PoIs.

So, what you see on the Runeterra map page is approximately 1/6th of the physical surface area. There's a bit of wiggle room (mostly because of projection and the ocean, etc.) but that's the kind of ballpark we're talking about.

Originally posted by deathspate

I think his question is more to the point of "Are all landmasses shown on the map all that are on Runeterra or are there possibly others not shown yet?". So not really like hidden regions or factions like how Ixtal was there the whole time on the map but we didn't have any place marking it, but more like if there are more unknown continents out there.

Oh yeah there is more planet surface out there. I think Scathlocke actually has a response somewhere here about lands to the east, beyond what we've currently shown.

Originally posted by Lewanor

Hello lads, firstly congratulations on getting the first holy book out! First of many, right?! Oh it is. But to questions now, my questions :p

  • Calender ends with Swain's rise to power and doesn't note further but we also know from a source that it was 7-8 years ago. Is calender outdated in the sense of present we use or nothing noteworthy on that scale happened that drew the attention of Noxtali? Like a bird-man raising sand castles down south?

  • Which rock is General Du Couteau under at? Looking under every one of them but missed a few it seems. Patient I am Scath, and looking forward to what you pointed at, but a missed opportunity is a lost one...

  • I forgot about this one, what does a General command in Noxus, a warhost or a warband?

Fabian's questions:

  • About my girl Cithria: In The Weight of Expectations, she says she has friends in the 9th Battalion. In Turmoil, she's in the 7th. Furthermore, the wording implies that she changed groups in the 9th and maybe the 7th too before starting the Trials for the Vanguard. Is that a common thing to do, move aroung in the army? Is the 9th in any way better than the 7th?

  • Now that we saw some elements of Tellstones / the King's Gambit version, can we get official rules? The story explained some moves (challenge, flip, place) but the gameplay flow / turns and scoring system (it seems to be point-based?) is still unclear.

That's it for now, I'll be watching. Always. AND THANKS! AGAIN!

Heya Lewanor and Fabian.

So. Alright. I made a mistake.

If I'd realized that Cithria was in the 7th in Turmoil, I would very likely have written it to be talking about her friends and comrades in that battalion instead of the 9th. It was an oversight on my part and I'm admitting to it straight up.

HOWEVER! You ever have those moments when you're DMing a game and the players come up with something unexpected, or you mispronounce something and the players interpret it differently and you suddenly think "Wait... that's better!" - I'm kind of looking at it like that now. If Cithria had been in the same battalion as in Turmoil, that's expected - but she's not - and that's interesting. That's something I want to write about.

Maybe this will be considered a cop-out - but heck, I made my own lemons so I think it's only right that I figure out if I can make lemonade with them first, before complaining! (Sorry metaphor.)

Originally posted by Kaevr

Ooh sounds pretty interesting! Tbh Im glad you guys are flexing out the whole worldbuilding, specially the cities that now are full nations. Pretty far from back when Runeterra was just a circle

Ah, the old blob map. I have such respect for it - it got us to where we are today - but at the same time. Ouch my eyes.

Originally posted by Beejsbj

how does the astronomy and cosmology of runeterra work? you know, since stars are made by dragons, and there are celestials and the watchers. does it have its own system(that you guys internally have put pieces of together) or is it closer to our universe, or is it just in the "don't think about it"/"wizard did it" category?

also is Runeterra flat?

Oh man. "A wizard did it" is pretty much the phrase to piss me off any day of the week. I'll let others answer about the cosmology, but Runeterra is not flat.

Originally posted by Oshipee

Is that Ryze's crater east of Noxus?

If you mean the large concave coastline next to the Noxian capital, I'm pretty sure it's not. That's more like the continental 'jigsaw piece' of the tectonic plates of Valroan and Ionia. They kind of fit together.

Originally posted by nach3

How much of this story is known by the people in game? Ionia might have a longer record, Shurima’s truths might have eroded with time, Noxus oughta have some sort of track keeping.

Some people (like Lissandra) have very long memories - they were there, man. Whether they're telling anyone is another matter. Or they may actively be feeding misinformation over generations.

Originally posted by Helvets

I know personally I have a bugbear about wonky or wrong rivers in fantasy maps. I try really hard to ensure I don't make mistakes there, but I'm sure I'll slip up one day

You can always say that... "it's because of magic", haha

I.. just.. ugh.

That's my least favorite 'excuse'. Wizards. Doing it. No thank you ;)

Originally posted by Don_Armand

Any interesting facts about Piltover?

There is a street, a very old street, that if you drew a line as the crow flies, would point directly at the capital city of Shurima.

Originally posted by nach3

Is it in the book? I have the hardest time trying to figure out Piltover and Zaun. My brain can not compute that sea level has different... sea levels.

It's not, I'm afraid. It's being referenced obliquely in other upcoming things, but the maps that I personally make, while functional, are ugly as sin. It would need some prettification to be ready to show to people, but that's not to say it won't in the future!

Also, regarding the different sea levels, have you looked into places on earth where there are legitimately different sea levels? (Not tide based). Because there are - maybe not to the extent that Piltover has, but it's a real phenomenon.

Originally posted by nach3

Who needs a map? I do. I want to be able to know which regions have older architecture because of the tectonic plate movement, I wanna know where volcanoes are, Hell, I wanna know how f**king breezy Nashramae is.

Bad news, I'm afraid.

As it's close to the horse latitudes, and the long narrow sea between Valoran and Shurima, Nashramae likely gets warm, weak-ass, easterly breezes.

Originally posted by atgot

While definetly loved the book and everything about it, I was actually dissapointed that we only got one map :(
Hope we see more of them in the future.

I hope so too, Atgo :D