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about 5 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by cubonelvl69

I think the goal is auto fill top vs auto fill top, etc. I know they mentioned having equal number of autofilled players on each team, so my guess is this means they'll try to match position of autofilled on each.

This is pretty much where we're looking. We're being cautious with how fast we tune the autofill knobs, because there are some pretty clear trade-offs in match quality and matchmaking queue times if we go too big too fast.

about 5 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I'm personally excited for duo balance, feels atrocious playing with a team of solos against a duo bot or top and jungle duo

We've been seeing good test data on duo balance and are excited to roll it out to everyone. We're being cautious on rolling out too much too fast to avoid crushing matchmaking times and sacrificing match quality.

Tentatively, though, the results look good so far.

about 5 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Does it take into account that a duo bot is stronger than say a support and top who duo. Because playing solo bot into a duo bot it's the worst feeling ever

Unfortunately, not yet. We're exploring ways to be able to bring in position related info here, but we have to keep a close eye on the trade-offs between additional matchmaking limitations and the overall quality and queue times in matchmaking.

about 5 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by pyrofiend4

I'll believe the second half of 2020 section when I see it. Remove promo series between divisions and tell me my MMR.

Right now I'm cautiously optimistic.

We'll take "cautiously optimistic". I think the strongest strategy here is to be upfront with the problems we're trying to solve, and very deliberate about how we solve them. Making meaningful changes continuously and communicating with you all every step of the way will help us land in a hopefully better place in the long term.

Some of these things are definitely difficult to solve in totality, but that doesn't mean we can't make measurable improvements in the short term.

about 5 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by detroitmatt

are you looking at the thing where person A will go e.g. mid/adc and person B will go top/fill and person A gets assigned support and B gets mid?

Yes, were currently testing this. Just waiting for our first round of changes to soak a bit before rolling this out next.