Vital Surge
Damaging enemy champions with basic attacks or abilities grants a shield for 3 seconds, equal to 5% of your maximum health. If the shield persists for its full duration, your next ability or basic attack deals bonus magic damage equal to 50% of the remaining shield + 1.5% of your maximum health and slows the target's movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 18 - 9 seconds
Adaptive Harmony
Hitting an enemy champion with basic attacks grants you Adaptive Harmony for 5 seconds. Each stack alternates between granting 2 Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power. While this effect is fully stacked, you gain a 12% bonus to both Attack Damage and Ability Power.
This effect can stack up to 10 times.
Cooldown after losing all stacks: 12 seconds.
Celestial Bond
When you and a nearby allied champion basic attack on the same target within 3 seconds, you both gain a Celestial Bond for 5 seconds. Each stack grants 2.5% bonus Move Speed and a shield.
This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Shield: 8 + 5% of your Ability Power + 3.5% of your bonus health.
Soaring Escape, Relentless Will and Nullifying Endurance
Soaring Escape
Damaging multiple enemy champions with the same ability grants you 15% bonus Move Speed for 2s.
Cooldown: 18 seconds.
Relentless Will
After securing a takedown, grants [10-24] Adaptive Force for 4s. Subsequent takedowns refresh the duration of this effect and double the bonus granted.
Nullifying Endurance
Your crowd control spells reduce tenacity from subsequent spells by 25% and grant you 3 bonus Maximum Health upon landing.
Celestial Aegis, Ultimate Surge and Adaptive Helm
Celestial Aegis
After not taking damage from champions for 18 seconds, gain a shield equal to 5% of your Maximum Health and 15 bonus out-of-combat Move Speed.
Ultimate Surge
Upon casting your ultimate ability, gain 25% bonus Move Speed for 2 seconds and a shield equal to 5% of your Maximum Health for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 35 seconds.
Adaptive Helm
Taking magic damage from a spell or effect reduces all subsequent magic damage taken from that source by 8% for 4 seconds.
Rapid Ascent, Shocking Ascent and Cosmic Ascent
Rapid Ascent
After surviving for 4 seconds in combat while below 30% hp, gain 20% bonus Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Shocking Ascent
After surviving for 4 seconds in combat while below 30% hp, gain 8% bonus Adaptive Force for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Cosmic Ascent
After surviving for 4 seconds in combat while below 30% hp, gain 40 bonus Ability Haste for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
I created a 6th Rune Tree Concept called Elevation, and tried to get the runes to be decently balanced, even though I know they won't be perfect and would require iteration. The current league systems aren't in terrible need of reworks, but I think they could use a bit more love. Would be happy to update some more systems if people are interested.
(Credits to Riot Games for most of the images used.)
Summoner Name is Fedir on EUW if you need to contact me.
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