I see so many people in this game complain about the balance in the game, and for sure there are moments where we get release Zoe, release aphelios, wukong, galio, etc. Of course there are obvious mistakes and sometimes they happen pretty often.
I think what we don't realize is that when the balance team makes a mistake, they are ALMOST always super quick on the uptake to fix the turbo broken sh*t. They hotfix the truly unplayable stuff, and in general there are very few to no champions that actually feel unfair to play against. The majority of the time, I can easily look at mistakes made and see that I lost to that champion because I'm hot garbage.
Another thing to consider is that they are responsible for the meta not going stale. Of course there are always going to be champions that are better than others; the team does a really good job of making sure we aren't playing the same thing for months on end (yes there are exceptions).
Just take a look at some other games and the balance issues (hearthstone, overwatch etc.). They may not be perfect but they do a pretty good job, and they listen to us more than they probably should.
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