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What are some irl signs that someone plays league? There's basic gamer lingo like tanky, gank, tilted, "that's OP", and "ADC went on-hit Varus, parents must be related"

One time in college my friend corrected a spelling mistake I made, and I accidentally muttered "are you even human? NPC degen freak" and then I had to explain the time I AFK'd as 10/0 Draven because my Nautilus support panned his camera to a different lane.

A few years ago I cut off my family so I could focus on learning Yasuo/Yone botlane haha. Got me from Bronze 4 to Bronze 3 (worth). We're still close, although I haven't spoken to them in years.

Anyway haha, what are the signs that you play league?

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9 months ago - /u/NeoLexical - Direct link

Originally posted by NymphomaniacWalrus

Sometimes I chase people relentlessly on all fours while barking and screaming THE CALL OF THE PACK THE CALL OF THE PACK THE CALL OF THE PACK.

If the police comes for me I troll pole away (they will never find the bodies).
