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It's me, Mr.Anonymous again. This article included the New AI bugs, improvement and suggestions. I hope this article can help u/RiotDashiJador and their teams to improve the bots. (I'm your big fan lol

Known bugs:

  • The bots cannot attack the enemies that Yummi attached.

  • Leona cannot use her Q to stun the enemies most of the time.

  • The bots will spamming recall when their health is low and ignored the environment even they're still in fight.

  • The bots will confusing where should they go when there's forked road on the map.

  • The bots will get confused when there's minion and enemies at the same time, and they always use all of their skills to kill the minions first, so they can't use those skills to fight the enemies since it's cooling down.

  • WuKong bots will go AFK when he break the health fruit.

  • The bots cannot remove the enemies wards.

  • The teleport are not working anymore (even for supporting other teammate)

  • The melee bots will spam their skills when they found the enemies but the distance and not enough. (they might think their skills are long range attack)

  • Garen bots will spam his [R]

  • Nasus bots cannot stacks his [Q]

  • The bots keeps killing the minions and ignore their teammates are in fight.

The replays:

I recorded 3 gameplays for the developers researching and debug. Here we go.


First replay: New Bots (Red team) vs Old Bots (Blue team) [Please don't suspend me again T_T]

  • The new bots will igored the ememies and keep killing the minions with their skills.

  • It's a good sign since the new bots will try to hide themself on the bush or the area that the enemies can't see.

Second gameplay: New Bots vs Trundle (Me):

  • The jungle will keep cleaning up and ignore the teammates or recall for backing up their base.

Third gameplay: New Bots vs WuKong (Me):

  • Garen bots will spam his [R]

  • Nasus bots cannot stacks his [Q]

But this time they can defeat me, that means they're become more smarter :)

Suggestions and improvements:

  • The bots can dodge the ememies skills

  • Poking the enemies with safe distance,and always fight the enemies first and stop killing the minions if they're fighting the new bots

  • If the minions are fighting the new bots, they should flee from battle.

  • More collaboration with their teammates (e.g. Malphite bots use [R] and other bots start fighting immediately, or when the teammates are under attack, the nearby bots can use their skills to help and defend them )

External link →
about 2 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Hello! I appreciate the ping and feedback! I went ahead and had our team review this post and we will triage and address in an upcoming release :)

about 2 months ago - /u/RiotDashiJador - Direct link

Originally posted by ieatpickleswithmilk

do the bots still stutter step a lot and clump together (like same pixel) as 5?

They should not! So if you see them doing so, please let me know.