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I can't believe that I just looked this up and this number is real, her base health at level 18 is more than most juggernauts, this champion that is one of the most mobile in the game, with a passive that steals shields, movement speed and dashes all over the place. has base health that high, that also builds shields and lifesteal

what happened to adcs having less base stats than melees lol? she straight up has more health than 90% of melees in the game. actually more than that.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by pizzabagelz

So i must be blind then? Before durability patch you never saw zac or maokai's building demonic first 2 items? Wonder why this is, cant be that resistances give diminicing returns and all free armor and mr made HP as a stat more valuable?

Thats what i meant when i said HP alone without bought resistances is more valuable now than before, and zeri also got bonus armor from durability patch.

Understand now?

????????? Demonic Zac has been good for ages. I have a two year old video hyping up like four different demonic bruisers. You’re just only responding to seeing what’s become popular.