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almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

Lol atleast 5 of the bugs that they “fixed” I’ve had this patch. I’ve also had a ton of other bugs in the client that are new since they started “fixing” the client.

Yea I log into the client faster but yesterday I had to wait 15 minutes because me and my friends whole right side of the client was gone. My rune pages still are super buggy in champ select. The honor screen is super buggy and my client crashes 1/10 times (and many of my friends) after a game. Every time I have a remake my client crashes. League voice still doesn’t work for people with macs. Client still takes up for cpu% than the actual game.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. I've been involved in this project since February and I would love to hear more about: "My rune pages still are super buggy in champ select.". What exactly are you experiencing? Any details you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

Hey thanks for reply! Whenever I open rune pages in champ select they take 5-10 seconds to open. Sometimes when i save my runes they fail to save(with spare time not 1 second before game start) Also every 3-5 patches they just reset though this isn’t much of an issue for me. Just in general trying to open, change, save, and close runes messes up sometimes.

Thanks for sharing. It definitely shouldn't take this long to load. A few more questions:

  • How many different runes do you usually have?

  • Is the delay only present the first time you try to open a rune? Does it get better the second time during the same champ select session?

  • Once it loads, is it fully functional? Do you see any obvious UI bugs like assets missing, messed up/stacked up elements etc? Can you click and configure the rune correctly?

  • Do you also experience delay when switching runes via the main runes UI? or only through the champ select edit rune button?

  • Do you also experience delay when you access your runes via Collections > Runes?

  • When you say "Sometimes when i save my runes they fail to save", do you see any error messages/notifications? or it fails silently?

Thanks a lot for your time, this is very valuable. We are working on simplifying the client code so it's easier for us to identify and fix those problems before they reach you guys.

EDIT: formatting

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by hastalavistabob

Think of a clock with over 100 of small screws and gears
reducing the number of plugins etc is like removing the screws and gears while the clock still continues to work
now if sth gets broken, it is easier to spot which part is broken as there are fewer parts remaining than before

The nature of web plugins is so abstract to someone that isn't a software engineer that is hard to come up with good analogies. This one is pretty close, I like it.

almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by iamboobear

Haha this sounds exactly like a robot reply wtf

I'm not a robot. (That is also something a robot would say, tough).

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by Ragaga

I love opening this article just as I get out of an ARAM and my client crashes on the honor screen, will believe it when I see it

Please report this crash by restarting the client and using the bug-report button or filling this form: https://pbr leagueoflegends.com/na/en_US/login

We haven't been able to reproduce this bug internally. We've tried to diagnose and fix it based on educated guesses. Getting more reports might help us spot a pattern.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by OzRoy41

if anyone from riot reads these comments , Please try and fix the friendslist bug , its super irritating having to relog multiple times for my friendslist to show up , its one of the most annoying client bugs imo

Hey, we sure do! thanks for the feedback, this seems like a common concern. We will have the team look into it!

almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by FirCone

(Pssst, use more line breaks for proper formatting.)

Thanks. I assume you use old.reddit.com? I checked my comment on reddit.com and also on the android app and it looked ok. I added double lines so it should look nicer on old reddit too.

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by Seneido

or say its a kindergarden where everyone child can do bullshit and the fewer kids you need to observe the easier it is not to burn down the house.

LOL, accurate too!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

I feel like they spend more time making charts to make it look like things are being worked on than they do fixing the client. It just performs worse and worse.

Unfortunately the process is very slow, but from the charts we can see that we are making incremental improvements. I know that sucks to hear as a player, but this improvement project isn't going to happen in the course of a patch or two. We want to give visibility to players that we are trying, but doing so without the whole product being fixed lends itself to hefty criticism, perhaps rightfully so. We want to create a better experience for players and want to bring you along for the ride.

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by billyK_

As someone who deals with QA on a daily basis, if you dont have proper logging, you won't catch anything and then say "oh we can't reproduce this error".

Rito - have proper logging and a bunch more bugs will suddenly become reproducible on your own machines.

We have pretty good logging on a per plugin basis. It is harder to determine the sequence of events that led to a bug when multiple plugins have a bad interaction, hence the high value of collapsing them.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by abibyama

Fullscreen client pls

You can technically make it full screen now by changing the video resolution of the client.. but i uh.. wouldn't recommend it

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Finoor

After last patch client seems to work more smoothly for me. Ive never had major issues with it but I understand that many people still have problems with client. I see improvement.

Hey, thanks :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Llex47

Sure, but why is the client performing worse than ever for me (same computer)? It always performed good enough for me, but recently it keeps crashing after games and I’ve got some bugs on champ selects as well. I don’t think the problem is on my end since everything else except the league client works well.

The problem is almost definitely not on your end. There's a lot of bugs that we are trying to track down, but they are sneaky sneaky. Most of them don't reproduce, making it way harder to try to pinpoint and fix the issue.

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

So much time, effort and money wasted on this...

I know, there is a lot frustration outside and inside of Riot.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by MrPlusmine

I mean, I should be happy they are doing some progress. Even more with COVID around, with Rioters working from home. And they acknowledge client is not worthy, yet.

But, man, they reduced some plugins we were unaware of, anyway, and half of the article was a list of the bugs they "apparently" fixed. Like a trophy. Out of probably who knows if more than a hundred.

No trace of what they're doing exactly, we waited two months for this, and next update will be the same. All this work before a proper bug cleaning. No results, but a graph showing there are some.

It was a risky move, but I pushed to show some of the bugs we've squashed. The way I look at it is this: we want to give transparency on what we're working on and one of those things are bugs. It's less of a trophy and more of a 'hey we fixed these bugs, hold us accountable.' If they aren't fixed, tell us which ones aren't and how they are being reproduced. I think there is some misalignment when we say 'we addressed' an issue because people will assume we fixed that whole area and nothing will break, but that's just not the case. We know there's a lot of work to do, and by communicating this information, we get a lot more feedback about what's working and what isn't. By broadcasting these bug fixes, we get a better idea from you all that we are either on the right track or we missed the mark and need to look more closely at some of the things we thought were fixed.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by godoft42

My client regularly bugs out in a way where my friends list doesn't load in. I've reinstalled the client several times, and it doesn't fix the issue consistently. I mostly play this game with my friends and now I can't because of this bug.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Thanks for the comment! we are looking into this issue as it has been reported several times here. We do not want you to have to keep reinstalling your client :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by papu16

u/givanse You have thoughts about building new cliend from 0 or integtare client in game like valorant or LoR clients?

We have discussed those options too. In fact, I just had a quick conversation about it this morning. Fixing the current client is the fastest path to deliver results. The current client/tech still offers many benefits to players (and us), we need to cut the fat.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Lmui

The honor screen after games has gotten significantly more responsive this patch, so I'll take it as a win.

Appreciate it! As mentioned in the blog post, we have started highlighting enhancements & fixes the team makes in our patch notes, and we mentioned our honor improvements in 10.13!

almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by Tealtigertmr

  1. I only have a single page that I re do for every game in champ select.

2.i hit that little button next to the name of the page on the champ select screen and the delay is always the first time but not always every time after.

  1. It’s fully functional and all the assets are there.

  2. I almost never use the rune ui for collection.

  3. I do get an error “failed to save” sometimes but there have been a few times where I’ll hit save then I want to go in again and change another thing and notice the page hadn’t saved the first time. (Or when I went in again it reverted to before I opened the first time idk)

Thanks a lot, this is very helpful.

This issue is not new, we have been making changes to improve the data flow which seems to be what is causing the issue you're experiencing since the UI works fine.

I'll be in touch if I need more info.

almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by bolibombis

Not the OP but one bug I had some times is that the runes page doesn't open properly it just pops the top edge and the close button meaning I can't do anything to my rune page, it fixes when I close the client and re-open it.

Unfortunately, this is an old bug, we made some changes that we hoped it would fix the problem for most people, changes were shipped with patch 10.10.

A have a few questions for you when you have time.

  • Where are you located? NA? EU?

  • How often do you experience this?

  • Does it also happen when you try to access your runes via Collections > Runes?

If you don't mind, I would really appreciate it if you could send me your Logs (https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201752674-Network-System-and-League-of-Legends-Logs#wq12) next time that happens.

almost 4 years ago - /u/b4r0k - Direct link

Originally posted by toxicplease

I'd like to also report an issue since you're here, if you don't mind. Every 5 or so games, my rune pages simply refuse to open on the champ select screen, i can only see the cloes button but nothing else. I don't know what causes it but it's annoying to the point where i had to install Blitz just to not have to dodge so constantly due to this bug. Unfortunately i don't know how to reproduce it, but i've had it happen as lately as last monday (since then i've installed blitz so i don't really open the rune page ingame anymore). Thanks for your work on the client, and for answering us here.

I'm sorry to hear this is still happening. Like I said in another comment, we made some changes that we hoped it would fix this problem for most people, changes were shipped with patch 10.10. Have this issue happened less frequently in the past month or so?

Also, have you experienced this at all if you look at your runes via Collections > Runes?

If possible, next time it happens, can you collect your logs and send them to me? Feel free to reach out via DM.

If you're on windows the log files should be at C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Logs\LeagueClient Logs

More info here, if you are interested: https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201752674-Network-System-and-League-of-Legends-Logs#wq12

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I wish it were that easy >.> I've played a fair amount and while I have seen the client freeze up after honor, it almost always recovers within a few seconds. If we can 100% repro cases, we'd be crushing this faster than grandma's lemonade on a hot summer day.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

My client freezes after every other game and I have to end the task and start the game again. Today I had no friendlist for a few hours (just when Riot released a mission to play a game in a premade party, lol). What's there to clean up? Make a new one from scratch.

When you had the friends list missing for a few hours, did restarting the client at any point fix it? Was it in that state after multiple sessions?

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Llex47

Seems like patching a hole for then two more to appear. The fact that you said most of them don’t reproduce is not very reassuring either.

I mean.. it's not great

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Lengarion

The client got much better for me on the last patch. Getting to the honor screen still gives me the typical bug but it's much shorter now.

My biggest problem that still exist is relogging into my 2nd account and being in "offline mode" aka can't see friends and they can't see me. But that is probably a low priority bug.

Does that happen every time you log in? Do you see your friends list in 'offline mode'? Kinda sounds like a feature ;)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by gotlockedoutorwev

Help me out with something.

So in some previous announcement, I remember them naming "reducing client boot time" as one of their main goals for the year / season in terms of fixing the client, and if I recall correctly, they kind of got flamed for it, as it seemed an arbitrary metric and unrelated to all the experience-breaking issues people encounter with the client.

Was that just bad messaging?

From reading this, it seems like their goal is to tighten up the client overall by consolidating apps, and making the code more efficient and easier to work on (which will presumably make resolving all the experience-breaking issues easier), and just as a byproduct of that focus, boot times are going down. Which now seems like a neat way to illustrate that their behind the scenes work is making headway. Whereas the way they framed their intentions in the original announcement, as I recall, lent itself to a very who the f**k cares about boot times, how are you so out of touch reaction.

Am I remembering correctly? If so it's an interesting little case study in public facing communication.

Regardless of intent, the fact that you feel that way means we missed the mark on communicating our goals. I think the initial work of "faster boot up times" is something tangible that we can tell to players while we can take a deeper look into the architecture and try to stabilize and improve it going forward. A lot of the work we've been doing the last few months is behind the scenes and wouldn't make a ton of sense to talk about unless we could tie it to something we are delivering. One of the biggest outcomes is bootstrap time, but it also gives us a better point of reference for trying to reproduce bugs

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by lolpeeba

Good to hear. I've always been very quick to be critical of Riot. However, I will say I've noticed improvement in the Client. A couple patches ago I had to re-login about 5 times a day after games, that problem has vanished.

Ayyy! :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Soggy-Doctor-3765

After this patch i started getting this message when im like 10-15 mins into the client: "Your session has expired. Log in back to continue." and i dont know what to do. I tried everything that riot support told me about reinstalling the game and resetting the modem and router but it keeps happening. Any ideas ?

Are you connected to TFT mobile while youre online (even if its in the background)? I wonder if it's trying to log you in on both platforms.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Abarn279

Lol that cactoboi included a list of bugs that theyve solved this year to show they're actually doing stuff

... And almost none of them are the actual issues players are complaining about

I (Jokingly) like to imagine yall have a gigantic jira board of 500 issues and the devs have it reverse sorted by priority cause theyre scared the tackle the serious issues

I appreciate how hard the team works, just will end with the fact that we measure value in improvement of experience, not hours put in

It was a risky move, but I pushed to show some of the bugs we've squashed. The way I look at it is this: we want to give transparency on what we're working on and one of those things are bugs. It's less of a trophy and more of a 'hey we fixed these bugs, hold us accountable.' If they aren't fixed, tell us which ones aren't and how they are being reproduced. I think there is some misalignment when we say 'we addressed' an issue because people will assume we fixed that whole area and nothing will break, but that's just not the case. We know there's a lot of work to do, and by communicating this information, we get a lot more feedback about what's working and what isn't. By broadcasting these bug fixes, we get a better idea from you all that we are either on the right track or we missed the mark and need to look more closely at some of the things we thought were fixed.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Riot_Aotus

It was a risky move, but I pushed to show some of the bugs we've squashed. The way I look at it is this: we want to give transparency on what we're working on and one of those things are bugs. It's less of a trophy and more of a 'hey we fixed these bugs, hold us accountable.' If they aren't fixed, tell us which ones aren't and how they are being reproduced. I think there is some misalignment when we say 'we addressed' an issue because people will assume we fixed that whole area and nothing will break, but that's just not the case. We know there's a lot of work to do, and by communicating this information, we get a lot more feedback about what's working and what isn't. By broadcasting these bug fixes, we get a better idea from you all that we are either on the right track or we missed the mark and need to look more closely at some of the things we thought were fixed.

Also, these are just bugs we've fixed while working on other things. We haven't started focusing on 'the real' bugs yet because we need to put in some more work into cleaning up how the client functions because right now, the bugs are happening intermittently and we don't quite know whats causing them since there's so much noise from other things

almost 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Nibiria

Is there any data you could use that we could provide? I had it happen so many times in a row today it told me the League service was down despite it being (very clearly) still working for everyone else.

This could actually help! I will need to check with the team to see if there is an appropriate channel to collect this information

almost 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Breadwinka

Yeah this is the only bug i really face as well. I have a high end system so relaunching the client only takes a few seconds but its super annoying. The Reconnect bug at the end of game seems to be mostly gone now which is nice, I get to the honor screen almost right away.

Thanks for the feedback! We are continuing to look into this issue as its been reported a lot here. Appreciate the feedback on honor, we have introduced some enhancements to better the experience but we know we have to continue to make even more improvements in all parts of the client, including honor :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Matagros

Ah, I thought that was part of the bug. Crashes are rare for me, but the hang ups are real.

Don't get me wrong- hangs are also no good!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by --Weltschmerz--

in the course of a patch or two.

Hasnt it been like 2 years or smthg since Rito supposedly put together a dedicated team to improve the client? Its without a doubt way worse than at that time.

I don't think there has been a truly dedicated team to fixing these types of things until recently. There have been teams in the past working on it, but it wasn't their priority to make it better per say. The client has gone down hill because we've kept adding to it rather than making it stable :/

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by Lengarion

Does that happen every time you log in?

Sometimes only(~20% chance) - not sure what causes it. It only happens to me when I use the sign out button to log into my other account.

Do you see your friends list in 'offline mode'?

Nope, only the blue background as if my friends list was completely empty ( sad violin noises). Also I don't see my icon and status.

Kinda sounds like a feature ;)

Would be cool if you use the "online"/"away" button to go to "invisible" like in battle.net or steam.

Edit: Still exists.

Thanks for the info! One thing that I'll look into is seeing if the sign out button is causing this happen more often.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by HairyKraken

I used to play on a very low end computer and now I play on much better one. One thing I saw was that more bugs are happening on low end computer (wow thanks sherlock) but also the more you try to gain fps by downgrading your setting the more they appear.

Maybe you're already doing this but try on a 4gb ram pc with super low settings and client that close when game launch

We try to test on a variety of machines from highest end to toasters - but I think it's a good call out. I'll look into the setting quality and the 'close client when game launch' options. Thanks :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by ScoopJr

There's a bug in the loot tab.

Reproduction Steps:

Step 1: Go to loot

Step 2: Attempt to disenchant a specific stack of champ shards

Step 3: You have to disenchant 1 by 1

Idk why you guys don't allow people to simply disenchant stacks of champion shards and we need to do it one by one. Imagine going to the supermarket and every item needed to be scanned, paid, and have its own receipt and you just bought groceries for the next two weeks.

Unfortunately, I believe this is a design issue rather than a bug :( I'll pass along your feedback since I definitely feel your pain as well. Like when I have 6 tokens from an event and I have to do the loot animation 6 times to get my 60 blue essense

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

I logged into Valorant and had no friends list. I thought that it's something with my internet but I opened League (had no friends list there too) and went into the practice tool and everything worked fine. I tried to launch the game anew multiple times but it didn't work. It fixed itself randomly after a few ARAM games.

Interesting that you experienced the same thing in Valorant. I wonder if there's something there...

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by Mobilify

If it helps, my discord crashes when the honor screen freezes. They also unstuck at the same time, is it because they are both built on electron?

We don't use Electron, but thanks for sticking with us and providing more info!

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Hey man if it makes you feel any better I never have any bugs with the client. Idk why.

That is awesome, thanks for your support.

almost 4 years ago - /u/givanse - Direct link

Originally posted by aqnologia

When can we expect this package added to the client

Hi, we appweciate ando thank youw suggestions. We'ww continyue to wowk hawd so that you can continyue to enjoy weague of wegends fow a wong whiwe.