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Listening to the duo cast with Caedrel this worlds made me realize the amazing work that Quickshot does helping the new talent develop. He's there to help with his on air experience, not only on how to make jokes and enjoy it, but also as a solid ground to take the first steps.

It was great seeing Ender becoming our favourite WeirdChamp as he was duo casting with QS. Machine hosting some weeks in the LEC, always with him in the desk if something was needed. And now Caedrel this summer playoff/worlds. I'm not taking away any of the individual work and prep of this guys, they are amazing, love them. But having someone like QS really helps you to shine, and grow a lot, that's why I'm doing this post. Great job!

PS: all the amazing production content is for another chapter.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by Elrushe9

As a G2 fan Some of my favorite moments are casted by him never will I ever forgot about the moment when he said "the gap be damned, champions can fall, gods can bleed, where were you when the west rose up to conquer champions." not only that but the way he gives other casters especially Caedrel atm the time and spotlight to give their insights on how the draft, how the x team is gonna win and etc. Quickshot is just Amazing

♥️ one small thing I've not seen too often but wanted to share with you. When G2 beat SKT it was the day after TL beat iG and I wanted a win moment to capture the success of both teams and the defeat of iG and SKT. Really proud of that one myself.