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over 3 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Clarification on the Senna summary. This was an error and is being corrected! Senna does not get any changes to her AS ratio this patch. The actual changelist in the Patch notes is what's going into the patch!

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Congrats to our new communications specialist Ahrisoo for her first patch notes!!!

over 3 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by mazrrim

Lucian could end up accidentally being way too strong.

Did they forget font of life exists? Is one nami e going to give him an almost permanent massive damage buff.

To explain, font of life procs effects like ardent and staff of flowing water, so the heal from it should count as a buff for lucian

Lucian's Vigilance Passive will work under the same conditions as Aery. So Font of Life doesn't work with him, but will with certain items like Redemption and Mikael's.

over 3 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by Scrub4LIfe734

Ekko is played more in the jungle than in mid lane, yet jungle Ekko is languishing in terms of power. We're juicing up his jungle clear speed to help him shatter more camps in less... time.

So, instead of making Ekko jungle better, why can't you just make Ekko mid stronger so more people play him mid? Maybe, give lichbane and Nashors their cdr back?

We believe Ekko mid is in a healthy spot and doesn't need buffs. We aren't trying to get more people to play him in the jungle, we just also don't want the role more people choose to play him in to be notably weaker because he's ceilinged by his mid power-level.

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Samintosh

Rengar mini-rework is next patch I suppose? Damn I was so hyped

There was not a ship date for the Rengar changes, they were released to PBE only to gather feedback to inform how players feel about them before we move forward.

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by catseye013

Hasn't mid lucian been dogshit in soloq since forever? he's been at the very bottom of winrates for months now even among players that are experienced lucian players

Lucian in both bot and mid has been consistently weak for quite awhile, with pickrates between the two lanes being very similar. In pro however he was still very consistently picked almost exclusively in mid lane.