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In game I tend to call champions crabs, The Legless Crab (Nocturne) and The Bug Crab (Khazix) for example. Recently I was tasked with defining who and what exactly is a crab within the game. This is what the Crab Committee agreed upon, I would appreciate any assistance for crab re-classification as some were extremely challenging to place.

Crab Classification is as follows with the Crabby Tendencies:

  • Speed
  • Many Legs
  • Pincer or Blade-like Apparatuses
  • Crab Mentality: Going in and invoking the Fear of God
  • Performance of Vore

Ultimate Crabs: are the crabs all other crabs aspire to be, perfection of crab form.

  • Skarner - Urgot

Crabs: Have at least three Crabby Tendencies.

  • Aatrox - Azir - Camille - Cho’Gath - Elise - Fizz - Garen - Gangplank - Hecarim - Irelia - KaiSa - Katarina - Kayn - Kha'zix - Kled - Leblanc - Nidalee - Master Yi - Nocturne - Nunu & Willump - Olaf - Quinn - Rammus - Rek’Sai - Rengar - Riven - Shaco - Shen - Trundle - Tryndamere - Volibear - Warwick - Yasuo - Zed

Half-Crabs: Showcase two Crabby Tendencies.

  • Akali - Aurelion Sol - Darius - Diana - Dr. Mundo - Draven - Evelynn - Fiddlesticks - Fiora - Jarvan IV - Jax - Kassadin - Kennen - Leona - Lissandra - Malzahar - Maokai - Pantheon - Pyke - Rakan - Renekton - Sejuani - Shyvana - Singed - Sivir - Thresh - Udyr - Vayne - Xin Zhao - Yorick

Non-Crabs: Inferior lifeforms with one or less Crabby Tendency.

  • Any Champion not listed.

Crab Harbingers: An exception to the non-crabs they embody one Crabby Tendency to its fullest potential.

  • Blitzcrank (Crab Mentality: Going In and Invoking the Fear of God)
  • Ivern (Many Legs): While having exceptionally long legs he also is the Jungle, and has taken all of the Jungle Creature's legs as his own.
  • Jhin (Speed): He is The Quick.
  • Tahm Kench (Performance of Vore): While he can invoke the Fear of God, his frequent Performance of Vore places him as the Harbinger.
  • Talon (Pincer or Blade-like Apparatuses): Is technically a crab, but relinquished his crab status to take his rightful place.

Anti-Crabs: Exhibit traits that conflict with the Crabby Tendencies.

  • Cassiopeia: Has no leg.
  • Illaoi: A servant of the god that is the natural enemy of crabs.
  • Karthus: Has crab mentality but towards the purpose of death, and with no visible legs.
  • Kog'maw: While he attempts to disguise as a crab, his true colors show with his performance of anti-vore, even in death.
  • Nami: As a fish, she is a natural enemy of crabs.
  • Vel'Koz: A monstrosity, Vel'Koz has three arms and no legs.
  • Viktor: Has more arms than legs, a blasphemous addition.

Schrodinger’s Crab: Reflects all Crabby Tendencies and yet none of them.

  • Neeko

Non-Champion Crabs

  • Rift Herald - Rift Scuttler

I'll add more detailed descriptions of each champion's classifications if people want.

edit: The Crab Committee has reviewed your proposals.

  • Items are not considered in the placement of crabs, while they enhance a crab's natural abilities they cannot make up for what some may lack.
  • Skins are not considered for the qualifications of a crab but An Exception has been made for Urgot to take his place with the Ultimate Crabs.
  • Gangplank, Shen, and Quinn have been promoted to Crab. Kassadin has ascended to Half-Crab, but because of his unknown number of legs cannot rise further. Evelynn and Fiddle join the Half-Crabs as well. After heated debate Zac has been removed from the Anti-Crabs while Illaoi has taken her place with the enemy.
  • Descriptions have been added for special cases of crab.
  • Spelling.
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about 6 years ago - /u/WizardCrab - Direct link

Finally a post we can all agree with.