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THE AMA HAS OFFICIALLY ENDED. Prolly a few of us will stick around to answer stuff, though. Thanks everyone!

It took a hot minute, but we finally did a client. We owe everything to those of you who stuck with us through the client alpha and beta. So many of you submitted bug reports, gave awesome design feedback, and stuck with us through the long and sometimes crazy process of replacing the legacy client. For that, we really want to say thank you. League players showed unbelievable patience and understanding with us, and unfailingly steered us in the right direction. This community is incredible.

Work on the client continues, but now that we've officially replaced the legacy client, many Rioters from the client team are finally free to move onto new teams to work on cool new features for League. In today's AMA, we wanna take a look back at the client alpha and beta and ask you guys how we did. Was it weird to give players access to the client's development from the very beginning? What could we have done better? How did the transition away from the legacy client feel, and what do you want to see us improve going forward?

Rioters joining in the AMA today include:

/u/cCcGrumblescCc | /u/TheYoungD | /u/RiotCredo | /u/elchupaacabra | /u/some__other__guy | /u/CodeofBear | /u/The_Cactopus | /u/Venia | /u/DontHassleDaHoff | /u/RiotHark | /u/SapMagic | /u/RiotSanjuro| /u/RiotJulesFern | /u/Riot_Soundwave | /u/treatsackattack

Before posting your questions, be sure to check out this article from last week that explains how we're prioritizing a bunch of upcoming client work.

We're keeping track of known issues here.

To see other frequently asked questions, check out this page.

Let's do it!

P.S. Congrats on 1 million subs!

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almost 7 years ago - /u/cCcGrumblescCc - Direct link

Originally posted by Tigermaw

Since universe.leagueoflegends is mostly text couldn't you just integrate into league without taking up much space. I haven o idea how difficult this would be.

Text only is boring tho, we want pretty pictures too! :)

almost 7 years ago - /u/cCcGrumblescCc - Direct link

Originally posted by RuneKatashima

My biggest problem with Universe is I have no idea what you guys have been updating. I don't know who has new stuff and who doesn't. I don't and it's not reasonable for me to daily check the universe.

As such, as someone who loved the old lore. I haven't been keeping up on current lore because it feels like too much. Understanding lore shouldn't make me feel this exasperated.

That's great feedback and I tend to agree that it's hard to figure out what's new since your last visit and where to start. Usually the latest stuff is featured on the big slider at the top but there may be more you're missing if you haven't checked it out in a while.

Good news is that we have a dedicated team working on making Universe better which may include a better way to browse lore seamlessly. Lmk if you have more thoughts on what you'd like to see.