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I‘ve been playing League of Legends for around 7-8 Years now. I have had my ups and downs with the game, especially as a person who is generally rather untalented. I managed to climb to Plat 4, Peaking at plat 2 with some meta abusing.

It took me 2-3 years to get out of Silver, another 3 to get out of gold. Every time I did climb, I changed something in my play style, which lead to me becoming specialized on well scaling ADCs with a very safe and macro focused game style but also playmaker champs like Vayne or Twitch.

Even though it has been a dream of mine, I never achieved Diamond(4),even though Plat is still regarded as low elo.

So now to my question to the people who did get to Diamond with alot of work without being talented:

How did you do it? What did you change in your playstyle and what gave you that cutting edge?

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

i just stumbled my way upwards with zyra and orianna mid in season 2 and just never fell out of it

EDIT: Slowly increasing the level of difficulty of opponent you play against to me makes it so that you gradually get better even if you don't realise it. A silver player is going to get stomped by a diamond player most of the time but if that silver player stays in the right mindset to learn things then over time the silver player is going to get better and climb to diamond and may very well just stay there, even if they can't enunciate why they belong there.

I couldn't tell you why I (was) better than a silver player, because a lot of the stuff I learned when climbing was stuff I didn't realise I was learning

over 2 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by shaidyn

I have several friends in plat who got there in S4 S5, when the game was a lot simpler. They float there, coinflipping games by playing safe.

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I advocate for a full ladder reset.

There's a soft ladder reset every season and if you've ever gotten to diamond at the start of every season (and your "natural" rank is around diamond), you know it's a trial by fire and you won't climb up into diamond from plat by coinflipping. The plat -> diamond grind at the start of every season is so painful.

The only thing a full ladder reset would do is harm the people who are lower ranks

EDIT: just to clarify this is my opinion as a player, not as an employee. I don't work on these systems. please don't quote this as a position Riot has taken.

over 2 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by thisistrashy28919

im just curious; without any bias as an employee, do you think there are mistakes/problems in solo queue that can still be fixed?

yes, but i haven't played league much this year so i couldn't tell you what they were

there's always room for improvement