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"🧲Happy Rell Midscope PBE day everyone! 🐎As promised, here's the full changelist with some annotations explaining the reasoning.

Don't worry too much about the specific numbers, we're still getting her fine tuned. Let us know what you think of the update!" - https://twitter.com/RiotRaptorr/status/1658518413558546432


Wave clearers, rejoice! Rell has normal melee tank AS! the lower scaling is made up and then some by her dismounted passive.

  • Base attack speed increased 0.55 >>> 0.625
  • Attack speed per level reduced 2% >>> 1%

These largely pay for her frontloaded passive.

  • Armor per level reduced 4.2 >>> 3
  • Magic resistance per level reduced 2.05 >>> 1

Making room for newfound slipperiness on her new E.

  • Move speed reduced 335 >>> 330

Passive now stacks AND gets added on EVERY ability. Big wombo combo W + Ults reward her with a lot of frontloaded defenses. She goes from a bit under the average support defensive stats to best in class if she lands on enough people. Paying for the faster AS and how easy it is to frontload a lot of stacks.

  • [P] Break the Mold:
    • Armor and magic resistance shred reduced 10% >>> 3%
    • Armor and magic resistance shred now stacks up to 5 times per target
    • All abilities also apply a stack of her passive ([W] and [R]'s entire AoE)
    • Minimum steal reduced 5-12 >>> 2.5-5 (based on level)
    • Minion steal reduced 0.5-2 >>> 0.25-1 (based on level)
    • Rell keeps resistances for the full duration of the buff, even if the target dies
    • Hitting a new target no longer refreshes the duration on all targets
    • No longer deals bonus magic damage on-hit

Making Q pack a punch! This gives Rell more reach with her CC in fights and more flexibility with how she starts fights. She can fish for a Q stun to set up her W, or start with W and then Q to keep the highest priority targets in place after. This required some nerfs, but the shield break is still in. Rell needs a LOT of help to have a viable clear in the jungle, but it's proven to be a fun pattern. If it proves to be problematic or would force us to hurt her support, we're not afraid to pull it out.

  • [Q] Shattering Strike:
    • Now stuns all targets for 0.75 seconds
    • Applies [P] and full damage to all targets
    • Removed heal on self and ally
    • Range adjusted 685 in front of Rell, 150 behind >>> 520 in front, 220 behind (also has 100 unit movement on swing, does not count as a dash)
    • Cooldown increased 9/8/7/6/5 >>> 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds
    • Cast time increased 0.35 >>> 0.5 seconds
    • Deals 250% damage to monsters

Shifting Passive MS to the Em which is the GO FAST button. Emphasizing Dismount as the form you want to be in for a fight with some combat stats and extra range. The self slow no longer has a MS cap so MS buffs (including her E active) now have value even while dismounted. If she builds for it, she can even end up faster than many other champs while dismounted. These nerfs pay a bit for her increased damage and range while dismounted, and for the significantly improved reliability from E and Q's potential setup. The AOE is definitely still big enough to wombo the whole team.

  • [W] Ferromancy: Mount Up/Crash Down:
    • [W-Mounted] No longer gives passive move speed while mounted
    • [W-Dismounted]:
      • Increases attack speed by 15/20/25/30/35%
      • Increases attack range by 75
      • Move speed reduction adjusted set to 280 ms >>> slow 15% (removed ms cap while dismounted)
    • [W-Mount Up] move speed reduced 25/30/35/40/45% for 3.5 seconds >>> 30% rapidly decaying over 1 second
    • [W-Crash Down] nerfs:
      • Damage reduced 70/105/140/175/210 >>> 70/100/130/160/190
      • Shield reduced 35/60/85/110/135 (+12% max HP) >>> 30/55/80/105/130 (+10% max HP)
      • Maximum slide distance reduced 375 >>> 320
      • AoE radius reduced 200 >>> 180 (area reduced 400x775 >>> 360x680 with slide)
      • Jump range reduced 500 >>> 400
      • Knockup duration reduced 1 >>> 0.75 seconds
    • Deals 250% damage to monsters

This new E helps Rell start fights, feel fast, and charge down her enemies. It lets her be much more proactive and helps her position well to land devastating Ws. E into Q into Crashdown is very potent. The ally boost is also a great signal to help get your lane buddy on the same page when you go in, and the increased speed toward each other can help you escape toward each other if things don't go so well. The AA/Q empowerment adds another AOE way to stack your passive and provides some damage that feels valuable throughout the game.

  • [E] Full Tilt added:
    • [E] Attract and Repel entirely removed
    • [E-P] Passive - Mounted Alacrity: Rell gains (10/20/30/40/50) move speed while mounted, reduced in combat.
    • Active - Full Tilt: Rell and an ally charge, gaining ramping movespeed up to 20% over 3 seconds, this is doubled to 40% toward enemies or your bonded ally. After 1 second, Rell's next attack or [Q] Shattering Strike explode in an area for (20/25/30/35/40) (+30% AP) (+3% target's max HP) magic damage.
    • Deals 250% damage to monsters
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almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Solash1

Now she can properly STEEL the enemy jungle camps ;)))))))

That was a joke.


I enjoyed it.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Supreme_Gubzzlord

Many years ago? Whatever do you mean? Rell is like, brand new-

Wait.. I cannot be reading this right. Release date: 2020-12-10

Rell is 3 years old?

👴 I should start writing my will.

If we're aging her like people, she's 2.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by TamamoCat

That's fair, it's interesting to see how it'll turn out. But, IMO, if your character needs 250% damage bonus against monsters on every single ability, maybe jungle was never meant to be a thing in the first place.

Nah, jungling is first and foremost a DPS check and then a play-the-map check.

Support can be a lot of things but it's primarily about setting up teammates. That usually doesn't also come with high DPS. So it tends to be really true that supports can't jungle and vice versa.

Obviously there are some real outliers. Ivern is Ivern. Pantheon is a damage support. Taric actually has an AS steroid so he does both "legitimately" but either way I'm personally a big fan of monster mods to open up roles.