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Aside from Kalista now becoming a top laner, these champions have notoriously been incredibly difficult to balance between pro play and solo q. We are now seeing this with the entire ADC where in pro play they seem to perform well with a coordinated team around them and much less likelihood of a team getting so dumpstered it's ff15. But in solo queue, well no one wants to play this role. ADC mains are just plainly switching role, it's impossible to play and climb with ADC because you have no guarantee that your team will let you even play the game. Carrying with ADC in solo queue is impossible, you need your team to already be doing well for you to get to impact the game, and if your team is already doing well you probably were going to win anyway.

The changes in 10.8 of buffing Ashe, Trist, and Xayah and nerfing Aphelios, Senna, Varus and Kalista will only affect pro-play. The top solo q ADCs will continue to be roughly the same in concept, maximising impact on the game by having one purpose that is almost impossible to fail at. Either lethality Varus and poking from a screen away, MF and just hitting R in a teamfight, or the upcoming utility Ashe focused around CDR for ult. There is almost no room for skill expression within this role, the best ADCs just need to hit their one button before dying. Kiting, dodging in teamfights, peeling the ADC from bruisers, concepts that are now all gone. Picking an ADC that has some expression of skill through mechanical movement and precise teamfighting is pointless and will continue to be pointless until the entire game gets rebalanced. As long as every role can 1v1 ADCs and that games are decided within 15 minutes (usually leading to 15-20 min FF), the solo queue ADC meta will be as stale as ever, with a select few ADCs who are barely playable, and everything else as trash.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Jtadair98

But mid lane is allowed to do whatever they want without drawbacks for 10 years XD

Ah yes, all those control mages who are so strong. I am shaking in my boots whenever I have to go up against a Viktor.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Angry_train

The only drawback that mid has is that's its slightly harder to snowball compared to Toplane and everything else is straight up better.

The drawback to mid is that sometimes your opponent is better than you and you lose. This is more true than in any other lane.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Benhki

But what im saying is there are so many more options in all the other roles when a huge majority of adc's are designed to scale and all of them are useless it makes the champ pool tiny

You don't have to play marksmen...

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorsPanzer

You confuse a class of champion with the Meta-position. A mage can be meele, ranged, with CC or without. But its still a mage who's gotta kill you with spells. ADCs cant really be as diverse as other classes, they are bound to be ranged, squishy and bad early. Its the class we love to play. It plays really differently to anything else league has to offer. And its been part of the game forever.

I do occasionally play other roles/classes but nothing satisfies me as much as playing a marksman.

There are no melee mages lol

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorsPanzer

Sylas and Rumble

not mages