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Hey folks!

I recently got back into LoL after almost 5 years off and it was a challenge for me to be sure. I actually was a game developer on the MOBA SMITE and since moving on to other things I had not returned to this rad game until now.

I've been PLEASANTLY surprised by the polish level of the game and my experience over the last week has been tops. I wanted to use my time struggling to re-learn the game and all of its characters to help others who may be trying to get back into LoL in 2019.

Please drop more tips in this discussion that may help me or others!

  1. Blitz.gg rocks!
  2. Towers aren't safe. This is more true in LoL than any other MOBA in my experience. I've died so many times this week by standing under my tower thinking I wasn't about to get dived and had my ass handed to me.
  3. Supports are SCARY! In other MOBAs, the Support role can be juked or ignored but I made the sore mistake of ignoring a Pyke or Morgana... I learned that lesson harshly, let me tell ya.
  4. Use trinkets! THEY'RE F'IN FREE! My first few games I skipped this because it's dissimilar to other games where you can literally get vision. for. free. Oprah's here, mates.
  5. Use environmental elements! Blast Cones, Honey Fruits, Scryer's Blooms, and the Scuttler can make or break an engagement and I can honestly say at first I was HEAVILY under-utilizing these awesome tools.
  6. Go hard! Combat in this game is fast and furious. It's honestly Blood for the Blood God and Skulls for his Skull Throne and I love it. I noticed I was playing tactically or patiently in engagements that I ended up losing, whereas if I had just gone in HARD and dumped all my items & skills I would have won sooner. So far I've been heavily rewarded for sacking up and not playing passively.
  7. op.gg was a better tool for me than any written guide, which honestly are wildly inconsistent.
  8. Looking around for good Streamers / Youtubers to watch for each role helped tremendously. I listed a bunch in the video description. Are there others? Let me know!


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almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Welcome. It's good to see another dev around.