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In the latest Riot stream, it was revealed that the first two drakes will not be the same as each other, and the third drake will be different than the first two. Furthermore, the third drake will also be the only drake that spawns the rest of the game.

Ie: Cloud, Ocean, Infernal Infernal Infernal

Not sure how crazy this is but its pretty cool to know that if first is infernal, you’ll never see it again

Edit: It was also mentioned that the third dragon will also be the soul and terrain of the map, not the drake that you have the most of.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotKingCobra - Direct link

Originally posted by Sinikal_

"When a team kills their fourth Elemental Drake, instead of stacking their elemental buff, they'll gain a powerful Dragon Soul from the dominant dragon. "

Wouldn't that be the one you have the most of going by what they say right here?

Here's how it works:

  • First two dragons will always be different from one another and also will not be the element that the Rift eventually transitions into.
  • When the second dragon dies, the Rift will transform into whatever element the 3rd dragon is going to be.
  • For the rest of the game, only that type of dragon will spawn until a team gets 4 dragons. The team with 4 gets the Dragon Soul.
  • From that point on Elder Dragons spawn.
over 5 years ago - /u/RiotKingCobra - Direct link

Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

What if one team gets first 2 drakes and second team gets 3 infernals for example?

Infernal dragons will then continue to spawn until one team gets to 4 dragons. In this case, another infernal dragon would spawn and then either the team with 2 dragons would get it which prompts ANOTHER infernal dragon to spawn or the team that already has 3 gets it and then they get the soul which prompts an Elder Dragon spawn.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotKingCobra - Direct link

Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Does capping it at 4 drakes create situations when you want to give first or second drake to enemy team to get 3 of a kind?

I don't think it does mostly because those dragons count towards the dragon soul which is a pretty powerful permanent buff. For example, I don't think the promise of 3 Infernal Dragons outweighs the risk of 'gifting' a dragon to the enemy team.