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For me it is Fiora. I don't play her, but I often see people saying she is a high ceiling champ. However, I never really see a Fiora and think, "Wow that's some seriously intense stuff she just pulled off." I feel like she's a solid champ, but that there are others who do her different aspects better than she does, and with less effort.

This is all just my opinion, though. I am a filthy casual who has never been challenger, unlike apparently 95% of the members of this subreddit. So maybe I'm just a peasant who hasn't encountered a "true Fiora main" or something like that, which is a sentiment this subreddit loves to throw out there.

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over 1 year ago - /u/spawndog - Direct link

Originally posted by TGKodama

Most folks write off Vel'Koz as "Funny geometry squid" but his E is such an awkward ability to use that it's amazing when you do manage to get the self peel off and not die instantly on him.

His development name was "Professor eye beam". I like "Funny geometry squid" maybe we missed a chance there

over 1 year ago - /u/spawndog - Direct link

Originally posted by Need-Help123456777

hi spawndog what projects did you work on today?

Hey friend, I am often involved in a lot of different things as I'm the tech director for league. Among other things I've been trying to help with server capacity planning for the south east Asia launch of team fight tactics on mobile