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The animation when TK gets 3 stacks and runs towards an enemy is removed on this skin. I asked the tahm kench mains subreddit and it was confirmed that this was removed. I got this skin pre-rework and the animation where tahm took out his fork and knife and ran towards someone with 3 stacks was still there, but it seems that post rework it was removed. His base skin and other skins still have it, but on the master chef skin it seems to have been taken out. I asked my friend why it was taken out and although I'm not sure how accurate his statement is, he said something about being able to see tahm in a bush during this animation- and if this is true does riot really need to remove this entire animation instead of just, i dont know, fixing it? I've always thought this animation kinda brought the character to life, and thought it was a cute addition, so it was kinda a bummer to see it removed. Is there any way this could be added back, or is there no chance of riot adding this back in? (I couldn't find a gif of this animation, so I found a picture on an old skin spotlights video)


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almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by PaleHeart52

You can also report it in r/leaguepbe to see if it's a bug.

bugs like this are best put in the bug megathread once you determine its a bug!