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Basically title.
I mean, there has to be a limit of MMR increase related to your cosmetic rank. I am seeing so many posts of people experiencing weirdest matchups. Even saw a screener of some guy facing a challenger and grandmaster in his Promos from Gold to Plat.

My point is just: I can't group up with these people by intent, thus I should not be facing them in my native cosmetic Ranking. It is hard enough for anybody playing Bronze 4 facing Silver 1, Silver 4 vs Gold 1 and so on. These gaps are hard enough for players already.

Cause this season causes a lot of frustration regarding the matchups. I don't see people complaining so much about the climb taking too long. Unfair or just weird matchups make up the most desperate complaints. At least that is my perception.

What do you guys think? Is it okay for a Silver player to play vs Platinum+?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by AndreVallestero

Sounds about right, just look at Dark Harvest.

Based on the advanced tooltip, "Damaging a Champion below 50% health deals adaptive damage". This should mean that ANY damage that a champion takes while below 50% HP should activate Dark Harvest.

But in reality, it procs on Fiddlestick's E but not Sivir's W and also procs on item passives (Luden's Echo) but not item passive DoT (Liandries Torment).

It feels like this game has very little consistency in its game mechanics and so many "gotchas".

edit: Correction, it does work on Brand passive but inconsistencies still apply to champs like Sivir.

Luden's echo proc damage is (for some reason) scripted to behave like a spell. Thus, it procs DH. If it wasn't scripted as a spell, it would not. I'm addition, it would also not apply Liandry's burn, Rylai's slow etc, which (while consistent and IMO the correct call) has significant knock ons for many champs if we changed that right now.

I agree the lack of consistently is annoying.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by Castle_Corbenic

Taliyah's Q will only proc Dark Harvest if it's initiated AFTER the target is already below 50% HP. If they're at 51%, and the first rock hits, none of the remaining four rocks will trigger it.

Don't think this one is true. Each instance of damage asks the rune "is the target below 50% HP?"

almost 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by LoLMayDuke

But afaik it doesn't count as a proc for the purposes of Phase Rush or Electrocute, correct?

This makes the inconsistency even more apparent.

It may do (unless specifically special cased to not do).