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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Sir_Nope_TSS

@RiotScruffy @RiotMeddler

Morning all, getting right to the point.

Four questions:

• Any data about jungler economy in light of the new item system? I often feel like I'm just wrapping up a mythic as everyone else is halfway into their second item, and I've been focusing tanks and fighters in jg.

• Should Rageblade be a mythic item? I feel the "double proc" effect will mesh too well with Galeforce KRAKEN (frag it, I keep mixing the two), not to mention the additional magic damage invalidating resistance building. Maybe mesh Galeforce and Rageblade together?

• Why do all the tank mythics have Sunfire built into them? It feels like it will have a negative effect on lane freezing, unless that is an intended effect.

• Has anyone considered whether Yasuo will break Collector like Ezreal broke Klepto?

I'm working on the jungle so I can chat a bit here.

From internal tests we've seen junglers stay about at parity with live. not having a super efficient, cheap, spike item can feel rough and in some cases can be a significant power down so we're monitoring to make sure the Jungle is still in a good place.

Some of the lost gold is recouped in stuff like not having to buy the smite portion of the jungle item.

With changes like this I would expect some amount of disruption and even kit problems (maybe Rammus really struggles in the new jungle for example) but we'll make sure the champs and role still feel good, even if it takes us a bit to lock down issues or get good data.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Sir_Nope_TSS

I'm working on the jungle so I can chat a bit here.

As a jungle main, you are my new best friend.

I think it's going to have to be an overall sweep of items first. It's nice to have Immolate on everything, but I agree it makes them a bit too bland. I wouldn't mind seeing 'bonus damage vs. monsters' used more to compensate and open up item and champ power.

There's definitely tons of unsolved and unfinished things in the system right now. Maybe tank junglers need a ton of help so we have to tune the burn bHP ratio up, or amp the immolate damage. Maybe immolate is too low right now so these junglers become OP when its buffed for lane etc. Obviously these aren't real examples, but its sorta a piece-by-piece process where as things get locked other things can get locked, and so on.

Note right now the burn damage doesn't scale after your item transforms [big bug :'(] which means some junglers who rely on it (like tanks) can struggle to clear as the game progresses

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

will the kiting nerf really diminish skill expression within the jungle? this role has always been targeted to get dumbed down

You can still kite, its more that you can't do the like 0 ping jarvan kill of blue buff without taking damage kiting. I'd implore you to try out the jungle on PBE and let me know if you feel like it's really dumbed down, and what feels off

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Sir_Nope_TSS

That's fair. I can see six weeks being needed for this overhaul.

Would it be possible to see Brittle (Ornn's status effect off his W and R) be applied to a tank item or champ this season?

It's possible? We've tested that kind of thing before and it does do some interesting things, no guarantee though

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

I have boss.

The jungle does not feel dangerous enough. It's too forgiving, especially with the healing buffs the jg items got prior? On top of all changes compiled it's just a watered down experience imo

The healing buffs stuff are all gone, its just vamp. That being said its very possible the healing is too high right now and we're watching it

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Jungler [melee] here, been on PBE. Jungle kiting feels fine. Scuttle shield is weird though, especially for Yi.

Yeah, scuttle is kinda rough for people with no CC. Its the same as killing old scuttle with no CC but now you can see how much worse it is :(

How has Yi felt in terms of items and clearspeed and stuff?

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Please add Tooth back to the Jungle item, it feels so bad being forced on to Nail. I don't care that it says "Tooth and Nail" because it's lying.

So theres a secret mechanic where your autoattacks apply a tick of the burn. That being said we're still looking into clearspeeds, especially for machete junglers.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Fair. I am not a big fan of ominvamp. I feel it streamlines decision making. But I might be wrong.

On a positive note though boss, I like the fact the jg item disappears but I just feel over the years with timers and shit the role is just a shadow of its former self. Make invading great again

We were testing some fun stuff around stealing enemy buffs for extra power and whatnot. Nothing great came out from that but invades is still a space we're looking into.