What if i told you Nautilus had a 0% winrate at MSI? 0 Wins.
You'd think to yourself, no way, that's not possible. But I am here to inform you he does, and is in fact the worst champion in the entire game on the MSI patch. Lets go over the statistics.
For the sake of getting the best statistics theres a few outliers were going to ignore:
As any good league statistic does, we are going to ignore the four times RNG played the champion. They would have won regardless of comp, so it doesn't matter if he decided to pull out his AP Riven for that game, they would have won all the same. So we will ignore those.
We will also be ignoring any wildcard regions win on the champion. The only wins they got were against other wildcard regions which have basically the same level of play as my Platinum 2 soloqueue games, and even those Kaisa's arent as bad as brTT. So we will ignore those as well.
I will be ignoring Mad Lions wins as well, Kaiser plays every engage support the exact same (flash big stun) so he could have done the same on Alistar probably.
And lastly, I will be ignoring C9's win with Nautilus against DFM, as Uma "Perkz" Jan's 1-2 comfort zone buff had already activated the game before, and DFM stood no chance regardless of composition.
So, putting all of this data together and adding in my small rulings (makes for better statistics, i promise) , Nautilus as a champion is ZERO and ELEVEN at MSI. Unbelievable.
Really think its time anchor man got a buff. Maybe Canyon will first time him at MSI even, we know he loves doing that.
Thanks for reading, buff Nautilus!
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