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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

The balance framework is referenced, but I'm pretty sure that not all of the threshold-based outliers are seen here. Is that because of pro play considerations? Redundancy with item buffs? Discrepancies between public/internal data? It would be nice to know.

We can only change so many things in a single nornal patch. If we hit every single outlier on the Oracle in a single preseason patch we'd have no way to know what game balance was actually heading toward or anything. Also any time we do a system change it'll shake up the balance of any relevant characters so double touching them isn't usually worth it.

We have to change the most OP/UP stuff (or slot them for larger scope work) and do system stuff and then repeat, slowly work our way in from both edges.

TLDR: We are but we actually just can't/shouldn't do all the changes in a single patch to hit them all

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by ImaginaryBluejay0

On what planet is Morg an outlier? You're hard nerfing a .6% pickrate champion that isn't even being banned because of Mid. She has similar pickrates and winrates to other mids getting no nerfs.

She's getting more of a nerf than Kayn, the most popular and highest winrate in his lane. Meanwhile, Ekko, who has a 52% winrate in mid, is getting buffed because his jungle winrate is low, as though jungle is a vacuum and it's not going to affect his mid performance.

How is this fair? How is Morg supposed to function in mid/top/jungle when she can't even waveclear now? I'm not going to play her support.

She's sitting at 54%+ mid with about a 2% playrate internal data which was one of the best mids. If this nerf hits her harder than expected we'll revisit but its not like she wasn't powerful there.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by ImaginaryBluejay0

If I believe leagueofgraphs, she finished the patch with ~2% pickrate, but that also coincided with a drop in winrate, which is generally what happens when non-mains pick up a champion. I'm not saying she's not strong - I'm saying that the nerfs to Annie (-10% ms on E) and Fizz (-20 mana/level) are a joke next to Morg's, which is between -40/target damage and -108/target damage on a single W depending on missing health. In a fight with 2 Ws (most mid fights) that doubles.

It hurts her waveclear (which is already sub par early despite the memes) and hurts her jungling which was already down ~5% in preseason from last season, with no compensation. Ekko is getting jungle buffs for a 45% winrate - will Morg after her jungling drops <45% from this?

I could definitely see us amping her JG in a patch down the line if needed

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Rexsaur

On a side note, why arent the underperforming adcs also getting some buffs?

Like seriously, buffing yasuo and yone and not sivir, xayah, jinx, aphelios????

We want to see how system changes settle. Because ADCs are (almost) always matched against each other touching their items can cause shifts in the overall class balance. Its not like we've decided sivir will never get buffs, she's just getting system changes and then we can reassess.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Rexsaur

Its just weird because in the yasuo and yone secnario you guys didnt wait to see if the crit buffs were enough, you just gave them a small buff to go with it, i feel like atleast the same could have been done to the others, mana cost reductions, cooldowns, base stat buffs, like something...

And they are defenitely not weaker than any of the adcs i cited above, the problem with just buffing the crit items is that it makes the better adcs that use crit (like kaisa, lucian) even better so in comparison the lower tier crit adcs dont get better at all.

There are still 0 compensation for runnans users (aphelios, jinx, twitch i guess atleast got buffed) that had it on their core build who just saw a EIGHT HUNDRED COST INCREASE on their core build with little to no tradeoff, like imagine taking a champion like jinx that used to spike with 6000 gold (old IE + runnans) and making it she now spikes at 10200 gold (Mythic + runnans + IE, as mythic + runnans still costs 6800 and gives you low damage), its just way too large of a nerf...

Since 90% of the enemies Yasuo/Yone fight against are relatively unchanged we can estimate what these changes will do vs the field. For ADCs 90% of the enemies they face in lane are affected by these changes

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Jandromon

Is Mortal Reminder having the Scimitar planned changes a mistake? or is it intentional and Scimitar is staying the same as live while MR gets the buff? Thanks in advance.

Checking in with the owner of those

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Mintyfresh756

Frostfire Gauntlet


Wtf riot is nerfing my BIG YUUMI build

Why would Riot nerf LARGE CAT!?!?!?!?

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by nt501

Has the balance team given good consideration to adding crit scaling on spellcaster adc abilities? Similar to xayah and trist e scalings. This could be akin to a system change, just on the champ ability side.

Yeah I think it could be interesting actually, or even AS scaling or something too

about 4 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Number3188

Why TF did Riot have to be so petty and say it like that? Like damn Riot tell us how you feel lol.

Ayyy lmao