Its just weird because in the yasuo and yone secnario you guys didnt wait to see if the crit buffs were enough, you just gave them a small buff to go with it, i feel like atleast the same could have been done to the others, mana cost reductions, cooldowns, base stat buffs, like something...
And they are defenitely not weaker than any of the adcs i cited above, the problem with just buffing the crit items is that it makes the better adcs that use crit (like kaisa, lucian) even better so in comparison the lower tier crit adcs dont get better at all.
There are still 0 compensation for runnans users (aphelios, jinx, twitch i guess atleast got buffed) that had it on their core build who just saw a EIGHT HUNDRED COST INCREASE on their core build with little to no tradeoff, like imagine taking a champion like jinx that used to spike with 6000 gold (old IE + runnans) and making it she now spikes at 10200 gold (Mythic + runnans + IE, as mythic + runnans still costs 6800 and gives you low damage), its just way too large of a nerf...