about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Hey all, super excited to share something I worked on with some time off after Worlds!

The laning phase is one of the most interesting parts of pro LoL and IMO the most useful learning tool to use for your own ranked play. Unfortunately when casting games there's never time to fully watch just one lane as we have an entire game to cover!

That's why I started watching Pro View when someone really slammed a laning phase as I was curious just what they did to dominate the lane so hard & that spawned the idea for Lane Kingdom 👑!

This was just meant to be an internal pilot but people really enjoyed it so we decided to share it out & see what the community thinks! There's already a lot of changes & improvements I want to make going forward, but the plan is to cover incredible laning performances from around the World over the course of the year.

Hope you enjoy it!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Will jungle pathing ever be a part of this? Or will the series stay true to its name and only focus on laning?

Yeah I'd love to show a jungler turning his lanes into lane kingdoms at some point!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by Nevran

I really love this work Azael, I agree that focus on laning phase is something we REALLY don't see/have a lot about and I know coaches tend to talk about it sometime but it is very rare. We tend to have now a lot of educational video about tempo, roaming, using pressure, soaking pressures, etc. The macro sort of play. But on the micro side, we don't have anything about like... What make them dominate the lane or snowball or handle a hard lane.

Love it!

Thank you!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by SwampWTFox

This is great and all, but I don't play Orianna so I'm gonna need you to go ahead and make a few dozen more of these.

Just need Froggen to pop off on some Anivia then I gotchu!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by terkke

It's a great video, congrats!! I would love to see also how advantages are made when you are on the losing side, like playing a tank vs a bruiser or playing a short ranged adc with melee support vs Caitlyn and Morgana.

I for sure want to cover losing MUs!

about 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Hobodacious

This was great to watch. It's great to see how you can truly abuse certain match-ups, but this does leave me with a question.

Is there anything Jensen(Akali) could've done? With the way the match-up plays out it seems like there was no real answer. I guess at a pro-level, everyone is on the same page and kinda accept it from draft phase, and attempt to make plays elsewhere.

I think here there were two things that could have been done differently:

  1. Jensen did not need to TP bot lane. The dive was lost the moment Rakan hit W on Olaf.
  2. Bot lane needed to attempt to prevent the wave hitting tower; this dive was mostly possible because the bot lane wave was crashing and iG knew that Gragas was top lane recalling.

Had Jensen not TPed, this lane probably would have gone back in his favour since Orianna ended up roaming for nothing and iGs jungler died.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by ilovediversity33

Continue to do these, but please no NA players to cheapen it.

It's an NA product made by an NA cast so there will be LCS teams covered! I'm hoping to do international episodes as well though.