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Before MSI launched, it was announced that both Milio and Yuumi were going to be disabled in MSI. The reasoning was however different for the two champions, Milio's reason was that the champ wasn't enabled in play offs while the reason for Yuumi's ban was that they wouldn't risk having an untuned and disruptive champion which was ultimately the correct call


The remark of course triggered the Rioters behind Yuumi's rework specifically Riot TheTruexy who tweeted this in response, stating that he found it "odd" that Yuumi was singled out


After all, they were blatantly calling out the rework for what it is since it didn't solve Yuumi's core issues at all. Not to mention that in the dev blog written By TheTruexy and Riot Axes regarding Yuumi's rework, they explicitly mentioned that the rework's core objective is to remove Yuumi from pro play

Reason behind Yuumi's rework

fast forward to Summer and Yuumi is right now sitting at 98% presence in LCK,

98% presence Yuumi in LCK, much higher than pre rework Yuumi in worlds 2022. The rework made Yuumi a much stronger pick in Pro

MSI officials have my utmost respect, they did the right thing by MSI and they called out Yuumi for what it is without sugarcoating it. Sending a strong message to the SR team about the pitiful state of Yuumi's presence in pro play which seems to have worked prompting SR team to gut Yuumi with nerfs in 13.13

Sucks that other champion projects and midscopes were delayed just to launch this failure of a rework, all of this just to gut Yuumi with nerfs again and return her to the same state she was in pre rework. Back to square one, whats the future for Yuumi? Both the champ design and SR team failed in creating a proper kit for her, shes either a 43% WR champ or a 48-50% WR champ with complete dominance in Pro.

is there even a solution? the SR team tried moving all the levers in her kit, failed... then reworked her entire kit and failed...

well there is a workaround and it worked perfectly in MSI


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over 1 year ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

I mean this is gonna get buried at this point, and I'm not here to debate the state of Yuumi (I agree with most the points anyways).

Disabling champions is a joint venture by esports and Design. It's actually primarily Design's call on whether a new rework is disruptive enough to be disabled for early patches (see midscopes, new champions, etc).

My tweet was more directed on that Champs/SR gave the same feedback to esports to disable these champions for MSI, and that the displayed graphic showed a different story that funnels more negativity into the topic.

Even the post-release results tell a similar story, even though the details and lead-up to each one is different. These champs (and a lot of new releases) are highly risky for competitive tournaments, ESPECIALLY global events.