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Hello there, I am enjoying the new game mode so far and I am happy to try it out for Riot and to give feedback, but something that made me really wonder is: Why doesn't playing TFT give you EXP for your account/profile? Every other gamemode increases it, so why not this one? I know about the free win of the day through it, but if I play 10 games a day I should get a little bit more out of it than just that.

If I would play 10 games of SR and that would take 30 minutes + champion select every time, then I would average 2875 XP through that (without the free win and winning 50% of the games, while every game takes exactly 30 minutes)

tl;dr: While I am having fun trying out TFT for free so far, I wonder why we don't get XP for testing the mode for free.

Numbers for XP are directly taken from Riot.

Edit: I changed a number thank you for finding it /u/luluinstalock

Also there is going to be a reward tied to it, so people like me should slow their horses :D

Still thanks to everyone for commenting and making the frontpage

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

We're going to be addressing this in more depth in a dev post soon, but the TL;DR: we're not going to give BE/XP through TFT at launch, but we may reconsider once we know more about how TFT looks in the real world.

- At launch, we don't want to include BE/XP as part of TFT because there's a lot we don't know yet about how typical games of TFT will go once the meta is settled. Stuff like how long a game lasts, how long it takes to get to your next game, and how different those numbers are for 1st vs. 8th place are all things we're tracking. We don't want to make assumptions and end up giving out way too much BE/XP, potentially unbalancing those systems.

- With new accounts coming in specifically to play TFT, giving them XP could allow them to reach level 30 without ever playing Summoner's Rift. Playing TFT isn't the best preparation for Ranked, so we'd like those accounts to play some Summoner's Rift games before entering Ranked. There are definitely other solutions to this problem, and we may explore those after TFT has been out for a bit.

- As you may have noticed on the PBE, we are testing out a Pass system that allows you to make progress after playing TFT towards TFT-specific rewards. This works a lot like TFT-specific BE/XP, and we're hoping it will hit a lot of the same goals. And for players who really only care about TFT, getting something meant for that mode rather than Summoner's Rift may be more up their alley anyways.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

Originally posted by andreasdagen

we'd like those accounts to play some Summoner's Rift games before entering Ranked

Speaking of Summoner's Rift, have you considered making it so that every new account has to play a certain amount of Summoner's Rift pvp games before playing ranked? I have seen a lot of people who played bot games to level 30, and they dont know anything other than how to push open lanes.

It's definitely a possibility, especially if we want to give out XP through TFT.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

Originally posted by culinko

My main issue is that I love playing TFT so much but I still don't have all the champions in league so playing it without being able to level up or get champion shards feels really bad. Additionally there is no honor progress so I would be missing out on the Grey Warwick by playing TFT as well.

Is there any chance those things could be added to TFT at some point in the future? Thank you, much appreciated!

I definitely hear you on the lack of Honor progress. I don't think we have immediate plans to bring Honor into TFT, but that could change in the future.