Disclaimer: This is 99% certainly a coding error like with the 80% lifesteal vampiric scepter sometime ago. This post is just to raise awareness and because it looks very silly for sure.
Hello there, you might have already heard of it, but there are Lethal Tempo changes on the PBE. The intention is to make Lethal Tempo scale with levels. Right now melee champions can get almost 80% free attack speed at level 1 thanks to this rune. Mainly for toplane it's very unhealthy, with champions like Yone, Irelia and Tryndamere statchecking their opponents without much counterplay.
So it seems fairly logical that they would be changing Lethal tempo to scale with level instead of being a flat amount, so the early game would not be so oppressive, while leaving some power budget for late game fantasies.
But something seems to have gone wrong, as I'll show you with some tests I have done. All tests are done with the same champion (Tahm Kench), and I compared fully stacked Lethal Tempo at level 1 vs level 18 and on both live servers and PBE. No items were used, nor any other attack speed granting runes or the like.
This is at level 1 on Live Servers.
This is at level 18 on Live Servers.
Now here comes the fun part.
This is at level 1 on PBE. The attack speed is clearly lower.
For fun I tried to see how high I could get my attack speed with a full build.
But the best part of it is Tahm Kench licking at the speed of light. So here is how it looks:
Level 18 on PBE without any items:
Now with full build:
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
TLDR: Lethal Tempo on PBE now grants up to 450% attack speed at level 18. It is most likely a coding error.
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