over 4 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Hey friends, Barack here with some upcoming changes to tooltips that will be in your hot little hands on PBE sometime tomorrow. Special thanks to /u/Reinboom for helping (see: doing most of it)

The First Change: all champions will now have a level-up grid on their expanded tooltip. This should help everyone understand what each character's power progression looks like as the game continues. Feedback that would be useful here is on the format the data is presented in: Do

Expanded Tooltip

Another One: Next, we're updating the colors in our tooltips. The goal here is to help you infer important information more quickly by consistifying (very real technical term) the colors across different parts of the interface. If AP is blue in the stats panel the scaling for it probably shouldn't be green in tooltips. We're also starting to use colors to help highlight effects of spells. If a spell heals you that effect will be in green, if it does magic or physical or true damage we will highlight those as well. (and all sorts of other effects can also be highlighted)

These formatting changes will be rolling out gradually for all champions but some notable champs that have had the work done are: Ezreal, Senna, Yone, Lilia, Volibear

Tooltip Today
Tooltip Tomorrow

With this set of changes, we're interested in a couple of things:

  • Do the colors we've chosen help you understand the effects of the spells?
  • Are the tooltips more or less readable than they were before? (For this, play a few games to give the changes time to sink in)

More Bits and Bobs:

  • Scaling details are now behind the extended information tooltip. By default, you'll simply see the current value of the spell as well as the stats it scales with (You can have expanded tooltips by default)
  • Scaling on extended tooltips displays the ratio rather that the amount given to you by that ratio.
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