Imagine if the blue-side fountain was in the bottom right corner of the map, and the red side fountain in the top left? It might affect lock-screen players a bit, maybe even helping them see on red side, but that's all maybe aside from more frequent accidental map clicks. It wouldn't change anything about the game really, but it would be very strange, maybe a fun little thing for just one day. Alternatively, Riot could rotate the map 45 degrees counter-clockwise, making mid go straight up and down.
This is just a weird little idea I came up with recently, I feel like it would be interesting. Let me know if anyone has pitched this before, or if it's been done. It's very hard to find it if it has been done because every result is either about rotating ON the map, or 8th grade math.
Edit: If you can think of any interesting and acceptably stupid map modifications for LoL, share them in the comments, I'd love to hear 'em!
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