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I’ve just had a game with someone on my team who has been placed in Gold 1 with only ever playing Intro games. Not even Blind/Draft pick. It’s a joke that I can get put with someone on my team who’s supposedly at the skill level of a high Gold player yet goes 0/6 in the first 5 minutes then proceeds to basically afk under nexus for the rest of the game.

Linked their op.gg for anyone interested:


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12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

It's on our list of things to fix, yeah. But this type of case is not ideal :( We don't get seeding information from bot or ARAM games

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by accualy_is_gooby

Can we please just get a minimum number of draft games required for ranked? It’s far too easy for account sellers to level up accounts in bot games and have them ready to go ruin ranked games.

Even a 10-20 draft win requirement will go so far towards fixing this smurfing issue. And accounts should be required to play draft before ranked so they can at least guarantee some experience with playing around the pick/ban phase before jumping into ranked

It's something we've talked about and think is generally valuable. It's a lot more complex than it seems on paper to implement though...