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over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Haha thats me on Orianna! That is a hilarious clip that we always like to revisit for the laughs. I remember we theorized that since Orianna Q is a projectile that interaction would work like that, but we never saw it in action until this clip where we had completely forgotten about it!

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by sarsvesh

Holy shit this is so cool! Does he show off stuff like this often?

Showing stuff like this off is hard because often what is getting tested could be anywhere from being right before release, to earliest iterations of a champion or change that might ship for another year+. Sometimes you get lucky and you can find clips that are from tests where a change was tested in isolation, but even then you have to be extremely careful because you never know what little things might still be visible!

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by super_intellectual49

This somehow feels even worse than windwall. And it's not even stronger than windwall

In our testing I felt pretty stronger that it was much stronger than windwall. Slowed projectiles were effectively destroyed, as skillshots are often extremely reliant on exact timing and positioning, as well as the fact that this ability also had offensive output in that it extended the range of not only her projectiles, but her allies. Using this in a teamfight essentially meant putting up a wall that destroyed all enemy projectiles and doubled the range and effectiveness of your allies' projectiles.

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by super_intellectual49

Oh damn I thought that Vex could only increase the range of one projectile at a time after reading her champion insights. If that effect is also tied to this ability then its way stronger no questions asked. Imagine a poke comp with Vex, Varus, Jayce and Nidalee throwing abilities at you from two screens away.

Oh trust me we imagined

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by CountMordrek

The question is why Yasuo’s windwall didn’t slow projectiles instead of making your grand play disappear completely on a relatively short cd. I mean, windwall in its current iteration is so unfun to play against, even when the Yasuo isn’t throwing them up perfectly to counter skill shots coming from no vision over terrain…

I get the feeling your comment was not asked in earnest but I'll give an earnest answer anyway. The fact is that relative to basic abilities Yasuo windwall has a very long CD, one of the highest in the game. I can believe the ability is unfun but melee characters often need a defensive spell in order to makeup for them being outranged by ranged characters. These defensive spells, whether in the form of pure defensiveness like Windwall, or in the form of CC, might feel frustrating to some players, but they are necessary for these characters to function. One of the primary ways of skill expression in League is also playing around cooldowns, and that can be expressed through playing around when these cooldowns, and punishing the champion when they are down. If you are feeling particularly frustrated, try engaging in this counterplay