Bruisers, juggernauts and tanks ALREADY dominate top lane if you go by pick rates and winrates. Yes, even in high elo.
Garen has an 11% pick rate in Diamond. Vayne and Kalista only have a 1-2% pick rate.
Darius has a 10% pick rate in Diamond. Quinn has a 1.3% pick rate.
Sett has a 12% pick rate in Diamond. Urgot has a 1.3% pick rate. If you look at pick rates, the top ten most picked champions in Diamond+ are ALL melees. And it becomes even more obvious in lower elos. Melees are dominating top lane from Bronze to Challenger. Even in proplay, ranged tops are rarely played in the current meta. (Soraka being an obvious exception who got nerfed anyway) Instead we see pros playing Aatrox, Sett, Mordekeiser. If ranged tops were so op, they would just blind pick Kennen and Vayne every game.
Ranged tops do not have abnormally high pick rates or winrates. Despite that, many in the community insist that there is a serious problem with ranged top laners and this leads to Riot buffing melees time and time again and doing its best to force ranged champions out of top lane. Seriously, the last few months have been an effort to delete ranged tops, from buffs to doran's shield for melees only, to making ranged champs deal less damage to plates. Despite that, many are STILL not satisfied and demand more nerfs to ranged tops.
So I am asking, why do bruiser/juggernaut mains believe that mages and adcs shouldn't be able to go top lane? Is there some specific rule that top lane is bruiser only? Why shouldn't I be able to go wherever I want?
I don't care if bruisers/juggernauts become viable mid lane. In fact, many like Irelia and Sett are already played in the mid lane sometimes. Wukong was also somewhat viable mid back when he was good. That's good. There should be role diversity.
I don't care if bruisers go bot lane. Pantheon was played bot for a while. That's good. There should be role diversity.
So why shouldn't ranged champions be able to go top lane? Why do you want Riot to enforce a meta so badly?
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