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almost 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Mizaa

rioters are a joke, they will always reply in positive reddit threads but they NEVER respond to anything that concerns us or that is negative about them

I don't think that's true.

Engaging with the community as a Rioter is entirely optional and not really regulated that much. Every Rioter is empowered (but not encouraged or discouraged) to engage with the community - it's up to them how or when they do it.

On threads like this one, it specifically addresses a number of things, most notably the report system and to a lesser extent the matchmaking system. These are two very specific areas with a limited number of people working on them (as is with everything else in Riot). This means that the only people qualified to offer real tangible solutions and feedback on this thread would be a small number of people, and that small number of people may not necessarily want to engage here for a number of reasons:

  1. Engaging on this thread is likely to be mentally taxing, as any red reply is probably going to get bombarded with replies, most of which won't be entirely wholesome
  2. There may be things that are in the works that those teams cannot talk about
  3. They may simply have not seen this thread (maybe they don't sub to /r/leagueoflegends, for example)
  4. Because getting in the weeds in Reddit comments is not the best way to give a response (most people won't see it unless it gets to the top, lots of people will see Voy's clip that don't see Reddit so it might be better to post an official response on Riot pls)

You get the idea. In short, we do reply to things that are negative about us or concerning, but Rioters have to decide for themselves whether it is worth engaging with players on a particular topic or not based on whether or not they feel like they are in the right headspace to do it and whether or not they can actually offer value to the person they are responding to.

We're definitely aware of this thread - I found out about it because it was posted in a chat channel at Riot. I'm not on the team that is able to make any decisions or give you any insight into what the team is working on, but I can say that yes, we hear you - there's just a lot of reasons, not limited to the ones above, why you might not see a Rioter engage all the time on concerning or "negative" threads - but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

almost 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by xMichaelLetsGo

It’s not about replying or not

But even your message shows the issues

These teams shouldn’t be small and everyone would prefer the game improve over people saying they have a “small team working on it”

If Riot see this type of post, and the multitude of others addressing the legitimate issues and Rioters want the game to improve: Why hasn’t it?

This isn’t a new problem and I’m not talking about this video, the client has been horrific for years, the business tactics have been scummy for years, etc and etc

I’m sure you care and I’m sure others care. But it is clear as day that some/the one in charge don’t give a f**k about me or the other players.

I just wish Rioters would stop putting on a face like those people give a shit. If people gave a shit about anything besides money at the top of Riot the game wouldn’t look like it does right now.

Riot as a company makes enough money to put that money where there mouth is and nothing meaningful has changed in years.

These teams shouldn’t be small and everyone would prefer the game improve over people saying they have a “small team working on it”

I think I may not have been clear, so on this, specifically: It's not that the team that "works on League" is small, it's that the overlap of "person that works on League" and "person who has the energy to engage with players on Reddit" is not necessarily very big.

If Riot see this type of post, and the multitude of others addressing the legitimate issues and Rioters want the game to improve: Why hasn’t it?

Because this kind of work is an experiment. We are experimenting on ways to solve the issues brought up in this issue, but sometimes that experiment is not always successful. This gives the impression that things aren't improving, but things not improving is not the same as "not trying".

I just wish Rioters would stop putting on a face like those people give a sh*t.

I wouldn't be working at Riot if I didn't genuinely believe, in my heart of hearts, that the employees gave a sh*t.

almost 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Mizaa

I have to give you the respect of actually replying and making sense, I might have overexaggerated on an impulse, but it can still be frustrating how many things are left unadressed by riot, whether that be on reddit or elsewhere (I say that as a very long time player that loves the game but is aware of the flaws)

I can understand the frustration, believe me. This is, again, why Reddit is not a great medium for announcing what Riot is doing... Rioters reply on Reddit a lot, but it gets buried in the comments and people who don't see those comments feel like we don't respond at all.

It makes more sense to have more formal dev blogs/riot pls articles to announce the direction we are taking, but those take time to create. I also think Meddlers gameplay thoughts are a great example of proactive communication to get ahead of the curve, or at least stay level, with the current community feeling on certain topics, although they aren't suitable for all topics

almost 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

It would be cool if you guys had an official forum. When a rioter responds in the comments there will be an icon next to the post so everyone knows... oh wait nvm. You guys had one and DELETED it.

I mean, part of the reason I'm glad the boards are gone is because they had the same problems, at least on EU (The region I am from)

almost 5 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Ozaiko

I don't understand why you're the only rioter responding on reddit recently.

You're commenting alot but it's not like you are really working on the game...

I can't speak for why other people aren't responding but I love engaging with the playerbase and do so consistently. I had some time off the past few days so I had some more opportunities to engage with players.

As I mentioned in my post, engaging can be really stressful/mentally taxing for some people. With the current global situation, I don't blame others for wanting to relax instead of engaging.

In addition, aside from meme posts, you generally only want to engage when you're a subject matter expert in something. With the exception of this thread, most of the things I've posted in have been something I am an SME in (mostly to do with MFA or Vanguard).