What happens with the EU production team during worlds? Do they have holidays until after worlds or do some travel to LA?
What happens with the EU production team during worlds? Do they have holidays until after worlds or do some travel to LA?
Can't speak for all, as we are quite a big bunch, but I can give some visibility on this topic. It depends on several factors like - what is your role, what work has to be done in the EU office/studio, does Central need your support for Worlds and so on. Some will work on getting the studio ready for 2019, making improvements, focus on personal growth or start working on 2019 EU roadshows. Others will squeeze in some holidays for sure, as this time of the year, with no EU shows running makes it easier to disconnect from work. Still, there is always work to be done, maybe a bit less than during a LCS season :)
I can give an example from the EU Events & PM team. One of my colleagues will be working all stops and she will be leading the content teams from all regions. She will provide support, like helping them to schedule their interviews and produce content about Worlds. Another colleague is leading the Player Management side of Worlds and she will also work most stops as the team-lead. I will only go for one week at a later stage and help with event production management, so my colleagues who were a long time on the road already can have a break.
As you can see it depends on many factors. During Worlds 2014 I was 5 weeks in Korea working all stops, this year it will be only one week. I love being in Korea, it is one of my favorite countries in the world, but I also appreciate a year during which I don't have to travel too much ;)