Doublelift saying on stream “I like the guide it’s good, it’s very thorough I like it a lot.” Proof is here:
Hello Reddit! Let me introduce myself, my name is Ostrich and I am a Grandmasters (peak 285LP) ADC Player who was crowned Best Lucian in NA and 3rd Best in the World by lolskill with over 1.8m Mastery points on him. Proof is here: - S8 Stats - S9 3rd best in the world - 1.8m mastery
Here is a link to my very in-depth, highest rated guide on Lucian and hopefully it answers most of your questions about runes, items, matchups and more. I hope to add some video tutorials on laning shortly!
Also Wildturtle approves of my guide too:
Please check out my Twitch account where I will be streaming often! @Ostrichlol
My main account: OSTRlCH
Feel free to ask anything that isn’t already in my guide :)
I always keep this guide updated every patch so check back often!
External link →