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"It is very (VERY) weird to begin searching for a new LCS Commissioner - but we're starting that process today. Hook me up with those sweet re-tweets for visibility!"

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over 3 years ago - /u/RumbleStew - Direct link

Originally posted by ASU_SexDevil

ITT: people don’t understand the metrics a commissioner is judged by.

  • LCS as a league is now profitable

  • The value of an LCS spot has exponentially increased

I was in a production truck outside of Madison Square Garden when I first met Greeley. I was producing the broadcast of Rox vs SKT. Some say it was the greatest series ever, but when there’s been so many, and they’ve all been great, who’s to say? I had heard of Greeley in some recruiting meetings, some hotshot NY Attorney who had told his family he’d leave it all behind and relocate to LA if he got his dream job, any job working for Riot Games, in any capacity, publisher of his favorite game, League of Legends. Now Greeley is an average Nami player, even worse at Lulu - and those are his mains - but he’s a kill first support possessing what the old timers call moxie. I said hi to him when he entered the truck, but was quickly distracted because Phreak, Krepo, and Jatt were in a heated argument between games 1 and 2. f*cking casters! It was a good argument, and quickly resolved, and like an ephemeral spirit, flash, Greeley was gone. Long story short, he got hired. I’ve worked with him since, and tbh, he’s one of my favs. He hasn’t made all great decisions. He hasn’t made all sh*t decisions. But he’s hung in, and he’s cared, because he cares about something so many of us care about… LCS. And our League is badass! Now I’m not saying we’re gonna win worlds, but if we do, you heard it here first. LCS is bigger than that. LCS is a place where we come to celebrate greatness in League of Legends. We celebrate homegrowns, we celebrate imports, we celebrate the OCE, and we celebrate competitive gaming. It’s been too easy to chase clout by talking sh*t. I hear you little people, get your clout. I’m a happy for all of you. You’re important. But LCS stands for something bigger. It stands for George and it stands for Regi. It stands for people whose greatest achievement was winning a 3rd place match, and it stands for champs who never made it out of groups. It stands for those who love through hating (TGI), and it stands for Rush, Xiao Wei Xiao, Cop, St.,maplestreet, Clakey Deeeeeeeee, GoldenGlue’s mom, and all the kids who pursued their dreams. It stands for you. Belief is a difficult thing. It’s easy to be ridiculed. But I believe in the LCS. And if I had a chance to take it all back, I wouldn’t. Not for a glass of the finest Scotch. Thanks Greeley. Best to whomever succeeds you. Best to LCS, and LoL Esports, the greatest competition on the planet. Hi Faker!