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I'm a support main, so I'm used to having autofill protection. I que as support primary, mid secondary. Since there's a lot of midlaners, I get support more than 95% of the time and I almost never play mid twice in a row. But recently I've been getting auto filled to jungle after I play a support game. I started double checking and the autofill protection is gone and autofill is active. I looked over the recent patch notes and there's no mention of any changes to this system. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, why didn't Riot inform us of this change?

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over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

We have changes to autofill protection planned for 12.18, this part going out a little early on its own is a bug.

over 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

can you just disable autofill in masters+ (or even diamond+) because games with filled junglers are going to be even more unplayable and encourage hostage taking selects

Autofill needs to exist for reasonable queue times unfortunately. There are some recent under the hood improvements we've made to team role parity and planned work for hostage taking I hope to be able to talk about soon.