This champion's actually complete garbage like I expected, it's just that people don't know how her dagger placement works (e.g. when dying, they'll run to their carries and give Katarina a clear path of daggers right towards them) and people in soloQ straight up do not pay attention to MIA pings at all. She doesn't even have any unusual paths like Talon does to gank because she can't really get over walls effectively and can't build Boots of Mobility for extra movement speed. She doesn't even have good waveclear.
You can just run straight down the river and the enemy bot lane will happily fight and you'll get a double kill. Also, Kassadin isn't a great counterpick to her. It's okay if you don't play anything better like Vladimir or Renekton or Kindred though, but it's not an automatic loss for Kat especially if she can itemize Death's Dance.
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