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Hey there,

u/boydlr came up with a new idea for the upcoming True Damage skin borders. A lot of people think that using different colors looks a lot better than using blue for all of them (suits Yasuo the best imo because his splash art is almost the same color scheme).

Current official borders (top) vs. fan-made (bot): https://i.redd.it/j6gx1yh1txw31.jpg

Original Post from r/akalimains: https://www.reddit.com/r/akalimains/comments/ds60yv/please_riot_beforeafter/

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by Dancjz

Literally way better, why does riot not think about this things

Since this thread isn't super new, jumping onto your comment for better visibility ('scuse me, not cutting the line just trying to find my friends)

Thanks for raising this idea OP and u/boydlr! The team working on True Damage took a look and we agree that customizing the border color per champion is a real improvement. When working on a line of skins like this, we often use the same border for thematic matching, but with the color variation here it doesn't coordinate particularly for Akali and Qiyana.

Since we're later in the patch cycle than usual, we'll be making some border changes that will go live after they launch. Thanks for the feedback!