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Absolutly everything about having Papasmithy as a guest felt perfectly executed. From the announcement, to the hype/fun video introducing Papasmithy to the studio, his appearance at rdy-check and finally the pinnacle in the tri cast at FNC vs G2.

To me the impressive part is how well Papasmithy felt integrated. Usually if a guest appears on the LEC show it feels a little odd, sometimes forced and you can see how the show is going to make an effort integrating the guest, which is absolutely understandable. But in Papa's case it felt like he's been there for years already. The casting synergy was there from the get go, the analyze desk segments were great and fluid. It wasn't only Papasmithy doing a great job overall, it felt like everyone was giving their absolute best and got elevated to only show their best side.

Truly an outstanding move to bring papasmithy over and I just hope this wasn't the last time :)

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by Didgeridrew9

color caster in the middle of a really interesting point

Pbp: "I'm gonna have to cut you off there as the blue support gets a little too close to red's blue buff it looks like red jungler might think about the engage here, but decides to back off and go for the safe gromp while in the bot lane they're still farming it out no huge action yet but blue adc will be able to back soon for a pickaxe"

Not even remotely true 😚 we practise intentionally to not cut colours off unless they set us up and queue the PBP to start.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by Hamzasky

LEC might be a good region but it doesnt have the quality casters like the LCK and the community like the LCS that make them much enjoyable. Europe casting died back with Joe and Deman and recently with Deficio
