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Have you noticed a series of weird matchmakings in solo this weekend ?

I am d3 with a D3 matchmaking, I have 9 d3-d2 players in my game, and the next Im matched with 9 emeraud 4 players. The one after, plats and emerald players.

A friend told me he had the same, and double duos vs no duo in his matchs.

whats up ?

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4 days ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Pass me opgg?

3 days ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Then_Debate4763

just took a quick look on opgg. doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong. the plats are obviously smurfs and most of the emeralds seem to be ex-diamonds who haven't played enough games yet for their visual rank to stabilize. you also lost a ton in a row, so you probably lost a lot of rating

3 days ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Then_Debate4763

Hi, enough to move 500+ lp mmr from one game to the next ? I lost about 90 lp in 6 games. If that’s the intended way for mmr to work I’m genuinely concerned about the state of the game. If I win 6 in a row I should play with 200 lp masters do you think ?

the emeralds look like they're actually diamond players, so since you're the only one in the lobby whose mmr is stable it looks like you're playing with emeralds, but they're actually diamonds like you. They just haven't played enough games yet

3 days ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Then_Debate4763

Thanks for the insights ! So it was completely random to have 9 emerald in this game and the next ? Interesting

I'd say it's significantly more likely, because you're in low diamond skill level and that's where a lot of people at the top of new smurf accounts and people who are resetting out of diamond in the early parts of the season go